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End to end use-case to back a streamlit application via Database resource

Our goal is to back a Streamlit app with Database resource.

This app will provide insights on the product data contained in the database.

We will start by - creating an initial schema migration and \n - set up a Database Resource resource, configure a depot for data transfer, \n - migrate data from IceBase to Database, validate with a cluster setup, and finally, dockerize and deploy the Streamlit app using Alpha Stack.\n

To achieve this, follow this step by step guide

For this process, we need to maintain a folder with the following structure in the IDE:

├── app/
   ├── Dockerfile
   └── requirements.txt
├── database/
   ├── migrations/
      └── initial_schema.sql
├── flare.yaml
├── depot.yaml
├── cluster.yaml
├── service.yaml
└── container.yaml

Create Database schema migration

We will begin by creating a new migration that includes only the schema, without any initial data. For that, Create a folder named migration and in it create a schema_migration file.

CREATE TABLE if not EXISTS product_data (
    product_id VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY,
    product_name VARCHAR,
    product_description VARCHAR,
    list_price INTEGER,
    sale_price INTEGER,
    brand_name VARCHAR,
    size_name VARCHAR,
    size_description VARCHAR,
    department_name VARCHAR,
    category_name VARCHAR

Create the Database manifest

Following the schema setup, we will create a Database Resource based on the schema.

name: productdb
version: v1
type: database
description: productdb database created for testing.
  - database
      - migration/
    command: up
  compute: runnable-default
dataos-ctl resource apply -f ${manifest-file-path} -w ${workspace-name}
dataos-ctl resource apply -f iamgroot/product/product_database.yaml -w curriculum
# Expected Output
INFO[0000] 🛠 apply...                                   
INFO[0000] 🔧 applying(curriculum) productdb:v1:database...  
INFO[0001] 🔧 applying(curriculum) productdb:v1:database...updated 
INFO[0001] 🛠 apply...complete  

Check the workflow of the created Database

dataos-ctl resource get -t workflow  -w ${workspace-name}
dataos-ctl resource get -t workflow -w curriculum
# Expected Output
  DatabaseUseCase dataos-ctl apply -f database.yaml 
INFO[0000] 🔍 get...                                     
INFO[0000] 🔍 get...complete                             

                NAME               | VERSION |   TYPE   | WORKSPACE | STATUS |  RUNTIME  |     OWNER       
  productdb-2-m-Database Resource           | v1      | workflow | curriculum    | active | running   | iamgroot  

When you create a Database Resource a depot automatically gets created with the name {your_db}database. for e.g., if your Database Resource name is productdb the depot name will be like productdbdatabase which you can fetch using get command.

dataos-ctl resource get -t depot

dataos-ctl resource get -t depot
INFO[0000] 🔍 get...                                     
INFO[0000] 🔍 get...complete                             

         NAME         | VERSION | TYPE  | WORKSPACE | STATUS | RUNTIME |     OWNER       
  customersdbdatabase | v1      | depot |           | active |         | iamgroot  
  productdbdatabase   | v1      | depot |           | active |         | iamgroot  
Don't forget to note down the database, host, port and subprotocol from this Resources as it will be needed to create a depot that can connect with our PostgreSQL Database.

The Resource YAML can be viewed on Operations App by following these steps.

To access the Resource YAML, follow these steps within the Operations App:

  1. Navigate to Operations: Open the Operations application interface.

  2. Go to User Space: Navigate to the User Space section.

  3. Search for Depot: Look for the automatically generated depot named productdbdatabase.

  4. View Resource YAML: Click on "Resource YAML" to view detailed configuration and specifications of the productdbdatabase depot.

productdbdatabase Resource YAML
Spec Section of productdb Resource YAML

Create a Beacon Service

Now, Create a Beacon Service to expose the PostgreSQL Database Resource on API.

version: v1
name: product-db-01     
type: service
  replicas: 1
    enabled: true
    stripPath: true
    path: /product/api/v1    # naming of path what you want but formatting is neccessary.          
    noAuthentication: true
  stack: beacon+rest
  compute: runnable-default
    PGRST_OPENAPI_SERVER_PROXY_URI: https://<dataos_fqdn>/product/api/v1

      type: database
      name: productdb              
      workspace: public
    - name: database
      type: input
      doc: product database connection
    - name: rest-api
      type: output
      doc: serves up the customers database as a RESTful API
        - database
Replace dataos_fqdn with the current value of your DataOS Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

you can now access the PostgreSQL Database Resource using the exposed API by

To validate the outcome, execute a request to the designated URL as higlihted in the above manifest:

A successful response with no errors indicates that the Database Resource has been successfully initialized with no data initally.

Create the Depot manifest

Next, a depot will be established to connect PostgreSQL Database with DataOS. This depot will serves as an intermediary to facilitate data movement from from icebase depot to product Database Resource depot which is backed by postgreSQL Database.

Here we need information of the following attributes:

  • Database name: The name of the PostgreSQL database. Here, productdb
  • Hostname/URL of the server: The hostname or URL of the PostgreSQL server.
  • Parameters: Additional parameters for the connection, if required.
  • Username: The username for authentication, here it is postgres
  • Password: The password for authentication, which you need to ask to your respective DevOps team.

This information can be copied from Resource YAML, which would look like following after configuration

database: productdb
port: 5432
subprotocol: postgresql
version: v1
name: productdb
type: depot
layer: user
  type: JDBC                                # Depot type
  description: To write data to retaildb postgresql database
  external: true
  connectionSecret:                               # Data source specific configurations
    - acl: rw
      type: key-value-properties
        username: "postgres"
        password: "XXXXa1110XXb540Xad2fXe2245X90aXXX"
  spec:                                           # Data source specific configurations
    database: product
    port: 5432
    subprotocol: postgresql

Here, we will be using cluster to check whether we are able to query the Database using workbench.

Create the Cluster manifest

To verify the successful movement of the data from Icebase to productdb database, we will set up a cluster. This cluster will allow us to query the data using a workbench. Successful querying will confirm that the data has been correctly migrated.

name: databasetestcluster
version: v1
type: cluster
  compute: runnable-default
  type: minerva
    replicas: 1
        cpu: 2000m
        memory: 2Gi
        cpu: 2000m
        memory: 2Gi
      - address: dataos://productdb:default
      logLevel: DEBUG
      trinoLogLevel: DEBUG

Create a Flare job manifest

After succesful creation of PostgreSQL Database Depot. Now, We will migrate data from IceBase to the Database via Flare stack.

# creds depends upon the env refer to default schema public
# it's an internal service of  dataos which is not exposed publicly so can not be connected with any gui applications
version: v1
name: postgres-read-write01
type: workflow
  - bq
  - dataset
description: This job read and write data from to postgres
title: Read Write Postgres
    - name: write-postgres
      title: Write Postgres
      description: This job write data from postgres
          - Connect
        stack: flare:5.0
        compute: runnable-default
            explain: true
              - name: input
                dataset: dataos://icebase:retail/product
                format: Iceberg
              #  schemaPath: dataos://thirdparty01:none/schemas/avsc/city.avsc
            logLevel: INFO
              - name: finalDf
                dataset: dataos://productdb:public/product_data?acl=rw
                driver: org.postgresql.Driver
                format: jdbc
                  saveMode: overwrite
                description: Data set from Icebase
                  - Connect
                title: Postgres Dataset
             - sequence: 
                 - name: finalDf
                   sql: |
                        product_name ,
                        product_description ,
                        list_price ,
                        sale_price ,
                        brand_name ,
                        size_name ,
                        size_description ,
                        department_name ,
                      FROM input
                      LIMIT 1000

Now, In the same directory, let's create a folder named application in it we will create a requirements.txt,, and a Dockerfile.

Before moving to deploy streamlit in DataOS. You can download this zip folder to replicate the streamlit application. To download click here

Add dependencies to your requirements file

In the application folder, let's create a create a requirements.txt file, preferably pinning its version (replace x.x.x with the version you want installed):


Write your Streamlit app

Write the desired streamlit app configure it with the connection details as highlighted below
# Product Data Viewer App with Category-wise Sales Chart

# Import necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
from trino.dbapi import connect
from trino.auth import BasicAuthentication
import streamlit as st
import altair as alt
import webbrowser
import requests
from streamlit.components.v1 import components

# Function to fetch data and return pandas dataframe
@st.cache(persist=True, show_spinner=False, ttl=100)
def fetch_data(query, _cur):
    rows = _cur.fetchall()
    columns = [desc[0] for desc in _cur.description]
    formatted_columns = [col.replace("_", " ").title() for col in columns]
    df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=formatted_columns)
    return df

# Streamlit app
def main():
    st.markdown("<h2 style='text-align: center; color: black;'>Product Data Viewer</h2>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
    st.markdown("**Please Enter Product ID: (Sample Product IDs SKU1, SKU2, SKU3, SKU4)**")

    product_id = st.text_input("", value="")

    if len(product_id) < 1:
        st.write("Please enter a valid Product ID")
        st.write("Fetching data for Product ID: {}".format(product_id))

        # Connect to Trino database
        with connect(
            http_headers={"cluster-name": "postgresdptest"}
        ) as conn:
            cur = conn.cursor()
            query = f"SELECT * FROM postgresdp.public.product_data WHERE product_id = '{product_id}'"
            data = fetch_data(query, cur)

            if data.empty:
                st.write("Please enter a valid Product ID")
                st.subheader("*Product Information*")

                col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
                with col1:
                    st.markdown("***Product ID:***")
                    st.write([0, 'Product Id'])

                with col3:
                    st.markdown("***Product Name:***")
                    st.write([0, 'Product Name'])


                col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
                with col1:
                    st.markdown("***Brand Name:***")
                    st.write([0, 'Brand Name'])

                with col3:
                    st.markdown("***Category Name:***")
                    st.write([0, 'Category Name'])


                col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
                with col1:
                    st.markdown("***List Price:***")
                    st.write([0, 'List Price'])

                with col3:
                    st.markdown("***Sale Price:***")
                    st.write([0, 'Sale Price'])


                # Display fetched data
                st.write("## Fetched Data:")

                # Show summary statistics
                st.write("## Summary Statistics:")

                # Show interactive scatter plot for List Price vs Sale Price
                st.write("## Interactive Scatter Plot: List Price vs Sale Price")
                scatterplot = alt.Chart(data).mark_circle().encode(
                    x='List Price',
                    y='Sale Price',
                    tooltip=['Product Name', 'Brand Name', 'List Price', 'Sale Price']
                st.altair_chart(scatterplot, use_container_width=True)

                # Show distribution of List Price
                st.write("## Distribution of List Price:")
                hist_chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_bar().encode(
                    alt.X("List Price", bin=True),
                st.altair_chart(hist_chart, use_container_width=True)

                # Show category-wise sales chart
                st.write("## Category-wise Sales:")
                category_sales_chart = alt.Chart(data).mark_bar().encode(
                    x='Category Name',
                    y='sum(Sale Price)',
                    tooltip=['Category Name', 'sum(Sale Price)']
                st.altair_chart(category_sales_chart, use_container_width=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Create a Docker Image

Build a Docker Image

Next, we need to create a Docker image for our application. Docker is a containerization platform that allows you to package your application and its dependencies into a single image that can be run in any environment.

To create a Docker image, we need to create a Dockerfile that defines the build process.

# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM python:3.7.6
# Set the working directory in the container
WORKDIR /application
# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app
COPY requirements.txt ./requirements.txt
# Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Make port available to the world outside this container
CMD streamlit run --server.port 8501  

This Dockerfile starts with a lightweight Python 3.7.6 base image, installs all packages and libraries mentioned in requirments.txt, sets the working directory to /app, copies the file into the container, and defines the command to run the application.

To build the Docker image, run the following command in the same directory as your Dockerfile:

docker login --username=your-username

Replace your-username with your Docker Hub username, and input the password to login.

Tag the Docker Image

To push an image to Docker Hub, your image needs to be tagged. In case it’s not tagged, you can use the below command.

docker image tag my-app:new your-username/my-app:1.0.1
docker build -t iamgroot/my-first-db-st-app:1.0.1 

List Docker Images

Now, Use the following command to list all Docker images on your system, this will also confirm that the Docker image you just build is available locally.

This command will display a table of images with their REPOSITORY, TAG, IMAGE ID, CREATED, and SIZE.

docker images
REPOSITORY                                  TAG          IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
iamgroot/my-first-db-st-app              1.0.4           3bcfa387913d   5 hours ago     1.41GB
my-first-db-st-app                           new         3bcfa387913d   5 hours ago     1.41GB
my-first-db-st                              1.0.3        ff101fffd5f3   17 hours ago    1.41GB
my-first-db-st                              latest       ff101fffd5f3   17 hours ago    1.41GB
iamgroot/my-first-db-st-app              1.0.2           a853294d3733   5 days ago      1.41GB

Run the Docker Image

Before pushing a Docker image to a repository, it is crucial to verify that the image runs correctly on your local machine. To do the same run the following command:

This command will display a table of images with their REPOSITORY, TAG, IMAGE ID, CREATED, and SIZE.

docker images
REPOSITORY                                  TAG          IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
iamgroot/my-first-db-st-app              1.0.4           3bcfa387913d   5 hours ago     1.41GB
my-first-db-st-app                           new         3bcfa387913d   5 hours ago     1.41GB
my-first-db-st                              1.0.3        ff101fffd5f3   17 hours ago    1.41GB
my-first-db-st                              latest       ff101fffd5f3   17 hours ago    1.41GB
iamgroot/my-first-db-st-app              1.0.2           a853294d3733   5 days ago      1.41GB

Push the Docker Image

Finally, push the Docker image to Docker Hub using the following command:

docker push your-username/my-app:<any-version>
docker push iamgroot/my-first-db-st-app:1.0.1

Create a Container manifest file

version: v1 
name: product-summary
type: service 
  replicas: 1 
  servicePort: 8501 
    enabled: true 
    noAuthentication: true 
    path: /product_data
    stripPath: true 
  stack: container 
  compute: runnable-default 
      cpu: 300m
      memory: 500Mi
      cpu: 500m
      memory: 1000Mi
    LOG_LEVEL: info 
      - streamlit 
      - run
    image: iamgroot/my-first-db-st-app:1.0.1

Apply the container manifest file

Apply the YAML file using the apply command, as follows:

dataos-ctl apply -f ${path-to-file} -w ${workspace}
dataos-ctl apply -f iamgroot/product/product_container.yaml -w public

You can see the streamlit UI, on the web browser at the following address


for example, here the address will be:

Streamlit App

Streamlit App on DataOS