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Toolbox Stack Grammar

  dataset: dataos://icebase:sample/city?acl=rw 
    name: set_version 
    value: latest 

Configuration Attributes


Description: specifies the toolbox-stack specific section
Data Type: object
Requirement: mandatory
Default Value: none
Possible Value: none
Example Usage:



Description: dataset udl address
Data Type: string
Requirement: mandatory
Default Value: none
Possible Value: any iceberg dataset udl
Additional Information: adding acl=rw after the dataset name is part of best practice in case the source system has separate keys for read and read write
Example Usage:

dataset: dataos://icebase:sample/city?acl=rw


Description: toolbox action specific section
Data Type: string
Requirement: optional
Default Value: user-id of the user
Possible Value: user-id of the use-case assignee
Example Usage:



Description: specifies the toolbox action. The set_verison action sets the metadata version to any specific version you want it to.
Data Type: object
Requirement: mandatory
Default Value: none
Possible Value: set_version
Example Usage:

name: set_version


Description: the version of the metadata which you want to set to.
Data Type: string
Requirement: mandatory
Default Value: none
Possible Value: latest, v2.json, v1.json
Additional Information: you can use the dataos-ctl list-metadata to check the available metadata version for iceberg datasets.
Example Usage:

value: latest