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Pagination in Benthos


Pagination in Benthos is an essential mechanism for managing the processing of large data streams effectively. By partitioning data into manageable chunks or "pages," users can regulate the flow of data through their pipelines, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization.


  • Pages: In Benthos, pages serve as discrete sections of the data stream, each containing a subset of the total data. Pages are defined by parameters such as size limits and are instrumental in facilitating efficient data processing.

  • API Keys: Navigation between pages is facilitated through API keys, which provide references to adjacent pages. These keys enable seamless traversal through the dataset, allowing users to access and process data incrementally.

  • Limitations: Pages impose constraints on the volume of data they can accommodate, serving to prevent resource exhaustion and maintain system stability. Users can specify parameters such as the maximum number of messages or data size per page.


Pagination configuration in Benthos involves specifying parameters related to page size, interval, and navigation. These settings are typically defined in the configuration file, allowing users to customize pagination behavior to suit their specific requirements.


Pagination can be applied across various components within the Benthos pipeline to regulate data flow at different stages of processing. Users can incorporate pagination settings into input sources, processing stages, and output destinations, enabling fine-grained control over data processing operations.


First, we'll create a YAML file where pagination will be configured.

Input Section

YAML Configurations
  label: "consume_data_page_indicator"
    address: ""
    path: /tablePaginator
      - POST
    timeout: 5s
    rate_limit: ""
  - label: "input_log"
      level: INFO
      message: 'table paginator - received hit with query ${! json("query")}'
  # - label: "send_a_response_back"
  #   sync_response: {}


  • label: The label assigned to this input component, indicating its purpose or function within the pipeline. In this case, it's labeled as consume_data_page_indicator.

  • http_server:

  • Configuration for an HTTP server, specifying its properties.
  • address: The IP address and port on which the HTTP server will listen for incoming requests. Here, it's set to
  • path: The URL path at which the server will accept requests. In this case, it's /tablePaginator.
  • allowed_verbs: The HTTP methods allowed for incoming requests. Only POST requests are allowed.
  • timeout: The maximum duration for which the server will wait for a request to be processed before timing out, set to 5 seconds.
  • rate_limit: Optional field for configuring rate limiting on incoming requests. It's currently left empty, indicating no rate limiting is applied.

  • input_log Processor:

  • This processor logs information about incoming requests.

Processor Section

YAML Configurations
    - label: "fetch_table_page"
        request_map: 'root = this'
          - bloblang: |
              root = ""
              meta query = this.query

          - log:
              level: INFO
              message: '${! meta("query")}'
          - http:
              url: '${! meta("query")}'
              verb: GET
                apikey: cmFrZXNoX3Rlc3RpbmcuZDVjYjQ1NDgtMzdlMC00YzlhLThlMjQtMjJlZjhiMThhMzk3
                Content-Type: application/json
        result_map: 'root = this'
    - label: "call_next_page_if_applicable"
        request_map: 'root = this.paging'
          - label: "conditional_check"
              - check: this.exists("after")
                  - bloblang: |
                      root = {}
                      root.query = "after=" + this.after
                  - http:
                      url: "http://localhost:4295/tablePaginator"
                      verb: POST
                      retries: 0
                      timeout: 120s
                        - 408
                        Content-Type: application/json
    - label: "process_json_response"
      bloblang: |
        root =
    - label: "unarchive_json_array"
        format: json_array
    - label: "split_array"
        size: 1
    - label: "log_processor_message"
        level: INFO
        message: '${! json("name") }'
    - bloblang: root = deleted()


  • fetch_table_page Processor:
  • This processor initiates the fetching of a table page from an API.
  • It branches the data flow, setting up a query parameter using Bloblang and logging the URL of the API endpoint.
  • Then, it sends an HTTP GET request to the specified URL, including the query parameter and required headers.
  • The result of the HTTP request is mapped back to the root of the message.

  • call_next_page_if_applicable Processor:

  • This processor checks if a next page exists based on pagination parameters.
  • If a next page exists, it constructs a query parameter for the next page and sends a POST request to a local endpoint (http://localhost:4295/tablePaginator) using Bloblang to modify the message payload.

  • process_json_response Processor:

  • This processor handles the JSON response data from the API by setting the root of the message to the JSON data.

  • unarchive_json_array Processor:

  • This processor unarchives the JSON data assuming it's in JSON array format.

  • split_array Processor:

  • This processor splits the JSON array into individual messages, each containing one element of the array.

  • log_processor_message Processor:

  • This processor logs the value of the "name" field from the JSON data.

  • bloblang Processor:

  • This processor deletes the message.

Upon the execution of the provided YAML configuration, the resulting output will manifest as follows.

benthos -c /home/pagination-benthos/paginator.yaml
INFO Running main config from specified file       @service=benthos benthos_version=4.24.0 path=/home/pagination-benthos/paginator.yaml
INFO Listening for HTTP requests at:  @service=benthos
INFO Receiving HTTP messages at:  @service=benthos label=consume_data_page_indicator path=root.input
INFO Launching a benthos instance, use CTRL+C to close  @service=benthos

Following the execution of the above mentioned YAML configuration, the subsequent step involves creating another Benthos YAML file containing the following endpoint configurations.

YAML Configurations
    mapping: 'root = {}'
    interval: '@every 1s'
    count: 1
    - label: "call_tables_paginator" 
        request_map: |
            root = {}
            root.query = "after="
          - branch:
              request_map: root = this
                - http:
                    url: "http://localhost:4295/tablePaginator"
                    verb: POST
                    retries: 0
                    timeout: 120s
                      Content-Type: application/json
                - log:
                    level: INFO
                    message: "Requst sent to databaseSourcePaginator" 

#### Explanation:

1. **Input Generation:**
   - The input component generates data periodically at every 1 second interval: `@every 1s`, emitting one message per interval (`count: 1`).

2. **Processors:**

   - **call_tables_paginator Processor:**
     - This processor branches the data flow into two paths. 
     - The `request_map` field sets up a query parameter for pagination. In this case, it initializes an empty object `root` and sets `root.query = "after="`, likely preparing for pagination.
     - Within the branch, there are two processors:
       - The HTTP processor sends a POST request to the URL `http://localhost:4295/tablePaginator`. It specifies additional parameters such as retries, timeout, and headers.
       - After the HTTP request is made, the log processor logs a message at INFO level indicating that the request has been sent.

#### Logic:
- The input generates data periodically.
- The data is processed by the `call_tables_paginator` processor, which sets up a query parameter for pagination and sends a POST request to an external service. The response from this service is handled in previous YAML configuration.

Upon implementing the provided YAML configuration in another terminal tab, the output generated will resemble the following pattern:

  <summary><strong>Terminal Output</strong></summary>

INFO  @service=benthos label="" path=root.pipeline.processors.0.branch.processors.1
INFO table paginator - received hit with query after=aWNlYmFzZS5pY2ViYXNlLmh1YnNwb3QuY29tcGFueV9wcm9wZXJ0eV9oaXN0b  @service=benthos label=input_log path=root.input.processors.0
INFO customer_profiles                             @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO consumer_info                                 @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO consumer_medical_history                      @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO consumer_purchase                             @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO prescriptions_info                            @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO purchase_transaction_data                     @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO dc_info                                       @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO dc_inventory_info                             @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO dc_inventory_iot                              @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO gcs_write_hadoop_13                           @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO  @service=benthos label="" path=root.pipeline.processors.0.branch.processors.1
INFO gcs_write_hive_13                             @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO association_type                              @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO company                                       @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO company_property_history                      @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO contact                                       @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO contact_company                               @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO contact_form_submission                       @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO contact_list                                  @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO contact_list_member                           @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO contact_property_history                      @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO table paginator - received hit with query after=aWNlYmFzZS5pY2ViYXNlLmh1YnNwb3QuZGVhbF9waXBlbGluZQ==  @service=benthos label=input_log path=root.input.processors.0
INFO  @service=benthos label="" path=root.pipeline.processors.0.branch.processors.1
INFO table paginator - received hit with query after=aWNlYmFzZS5pY2ViYXNlLmh1YnNwb3QuZW1haWxfZXZlbnRfZHJvcHBlZ  @service=benthos label=input_log path=root.input.processors.0
INFO deal                                          @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO deal_company                                  @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO deal_contact                                  @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO deal_pipeline                                 @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO deal_pipeline_stage                           @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO deal_property_history                         @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO deal_stage                                    @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_campaign                                @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_event                                   @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_event_bounce                            @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO @service=benthos label="" path=root.pipeline.processors.0.branch.processors.1
INFO email_event_click                             @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_event_deferred                          @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_event_delivered                         @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_event_dropped                           @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_event_open                              @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_event_sent                              @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_event_spam_report                       @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_event_status_change                     @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_event_suppressed                        @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5
INFO email_subscription                            @service=benthos label=log_processor_message path=root.pipeline.processors.5