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Error Handling

It's always possible for things to go wrong, be a good captain and plan ahead.

Benthos supports a range of processors, such as http and aws_lambda, that have the potential to fail if their retry attempts are exhausted. When this happens, the data is not dropped but instead continues through the pipeline mostly unchanged, but a metadata flag is added, allowing you to handle the errors in a way that suits your needs.

This document outlines common patterns for dealing with errors, such as dropping them, recovering them with more processing, routing them to a dead-letter queue, or any combination thereof.

Abandon on Failure

It's possible to define a list of processors which should be skipped for messages that failed a previous stage using the try processor:

    - try:
      - resource: foo
      - resource: bar # Skipped if foo failed
      - resource: baz # Skipped if foo or bar failed

Recover Failed Messages

Failed messages can be fed into their own processor steps with a catch processor:

    - resource: foo # Processor that might fail
    - catch:
      - resource: bar # Recover here

Once messages finish the catch block, they will have their failure flags removed and are treated like regular messages. If this behavior is not desired, then it is possible to simulate a catch block with a switch processor:

    - resource: foo # Processor that might fail
    - switch:
      - check: errored()
          - resource: bar # Recover here

Logging Errors

When an error occurs, there will occasionally be useful information stored within the error flag that can be exposed with the interpolation function error. This allows you to expose the information with processors.

For example, when catching failed processors, you can log the messages:

    - resource: foo # Processor that might fail
    - catch:
      - log:
          message: "Processing failed due to: ${!error()}"

Or perhaps augment the message payload with the error message:

    - resource: foo # Processor that might fail
    - catch:
      - mapping: |
          root = this
          root.meta.error = error()

Attempt Until Success

It's possible to reattempt a processor for a particular message until it is successful with a while processor:

    - for_each:
      - while:
          at_least_once: true
          max_loops: 0 # Set this greater than zero to cap the number of attempts
          check: errored()
            - catch: [] # Wipe any previous error
            - resource: foo # Attempt this processor until success

This loop will block the pipeline and prevent the blocking message from being acknowledged. It is, therefore, usually a good idea in practice to use the max_loops field to set a limit to the number of attempts to make so that the pipeline can unblock itself without intervention.

Drop Failed Messages

In order to filter out any failed messages from your pipeline, you can use a mapping processor:

    - mapping: root = if errored() { deleted() }

This will remove any failed messages from a batch. Furthermore, dropping a message will propagate an acknowledgment (also known as "ack") upstream to the pipeline's input.

Route to a Dead-Letter Queue

It is possible to route failed messages to different destinations using a switch output:

      - check: errored()
          resource: foo # Dead letter queue

      - output:
          resource: bar # Everything else

Reject Messages

Some inputs, such as GCP Pub/Sub and AMQP, support rejecting messages, in which case it can sometimes be more efficient to reject messages that have failed processing rather than route them to a dead letter queue. This can be achieved with the reject output:

    retry_until_success: false
      - check: errored()
          # Reject failed messages
          reject: "Message failed due to: ${! error() }"

      - output:
          resource: bar # Everything else

When the source of a rejected message is a sequential input without support for conventional nacks, such as the Kafka or file inputs, a rejected message will be reprocessed from scratch, applying back pressure until it is successfully processed. This can also sometimes be a useful pattern.