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The kafka output type writes a batch of messages to Kafka brokers and waits for acknowledgment before propagating it back to the input.

YAML Configurations

Common Config

# Common config fields, showing default values
  label: ""
    addresses: []
    topic: ""
    target_version: 2.0.0
    key: ""
    partitioner: fnv1a_hash
    compression: none
    static_headers: {}
      exclude_prefixes: []
    max_in_flight: 64
      count: 0
      byte_size: 0
      period: ""
      check: ""

The config field ack_replicas determines whether we wait for acknowledgment from all replicas or just a single broker.

Both the key and topic fields can be dynamically set using function interpolations described here.

Metadata will be added to each message sent as headers (version 0.11+) but can be restricted using the field metadata.

Strict Ordering and Retries

When strict ordering is required for messages written to topic partitions, it is important to ensure that both the field max_in_flight is set to 1 and that the field retry_as_batch is set to true.

You must also ensure that failed batches are never rerouted back to the same output. This can be done by setting the field max_retries to 0 and backoff.max_elapsed_time to empty, which will apply back pressure indefinitely until the batch is sent successfully.

However, this also means that manual intervention will eventually be required in cases where the batch cannot be sent due to configuration problems such as an incorrect max_msg_bytes estimate. A less strict but automated alternative would be to route failed batches to a dead letter queue using a fallback broker, but this would allow subsequent batches to be delivered in the meantime whilst those failed batches are dealt with.


If you're seeing issues writing to or reading from Kafka with this component, then it's worth trying out the newer kafka_franz output.

  • I'm seeing logs that report Failed to connect to kafka: kafka: client has run out of available brokers to talk to (Is your cluster reachable?), but the brokers are definitely reachable.

Unfortunately, this error message will appear for a wide range of connection problems even when the broker endpoint can be reached. Double-check your authentication configuration and also ensure that you have enabled TLS if applicable.


This output benefits from sending multiple messages in flight in parallel for improved performance. You can tune the max number of in-flight messages (or message batches) with the field max_in_flight.

This output benefits from sending messages as a batch for improved performance. Batches can be formed at both the input and output levels. You can find out more in this doc.



A list of broker addresses to connect to. If an item of the list contains commas, it will be expanded into multiple addresses.

Type: array

Default: []

# Examples

  - localhost:9092

  - localhost:9041,localhost:9042

  - localhost:9041
  - localhost:9042


Custom TLS settings can be used to override system defaults.

Type: object


Whether custom TLS settings are enabled.

Type: bool

Default: false


Whether to skip server-side certificate verification.

Type: bool

Default: false


Whether to allow the remote server to repeatedly request renegotiation. Enable this option if you're seeing the error message local error: tls: no renegotiation.

Type: bool

Default: false


An optional root certificate authority to use. This is a string representing a certificate chain from the parent trusted root certificate, to possible intermediate signing certificates, to the host certificate.

🗣 SECRET This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn't be added to a config directly, read our secrets page for more info.

Type: string

Default: ""

# Examples

root_cas: |-


An optional path of a root certificate authority file to use. This is a file, often with a .pem extension, containing a certificate chain from the parent trusted root certificate, to possible intermediate signing certificates, to the host certificate.

Type: string

Default: ""

# Examples

root_cas_file: ./root_cas.pem


A list of client certificates to use. For each certificate, either the fields cert and key or  cert_file and key_file should be specified, but not both.

Type: array

Default: []

# Examples

  - cert: foo
    key: bar

  - cert_file: ./example.pem
    key_file: ./example.key


A plain text certificate to use.

Type: string

Default: ""


A plain text certificate key to use.


This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn't be added to a config directly, read our secrets page for more info.

Type: stringDefault: ""


The path of a certificate to use.

Type: stringDefault: ""


The path of a certificate key to use.

Type: stringDefault: ""


A plain text password for when the private key is password encrypted in PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 format. The obsolete pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC algorithm is not supported for the PKCS#8 format. Warning: Since it does not authenticate the ciphertext, it is vulnerable to padding oracle attacks that can let an attacker recover the plaintext.


This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn't be added to a config directly, read our secrets page for more info.

Type: stringDefault: ""

# Examples

password: foo

password: ${KEY_PASSWORD}


Enables SASL authentication.

Type: object


The SASL authentication mechanism, if left empty SASL authentication is not used. Warning: SCRAM based methods within Benthos have not received a security audit.

Type: stringDefault: "none"

Option Summary
none Default, no SASL authentication.
PLAIN Plain text authentication. NOTE: When using plain text auth it is extremely likely that you'll also need to refer here.
OAUTHBEARER OAuth Bearer based authentication.
SCRAM-SHA-256 Authentication using the SCRAM-SHA-256 mechanism.
SCRAM-SHA-512 Authentication using the SCRAM-SHA-512 mechanism.


A PLAIN username. It is recommended that you use environment variables to populate this field.

Type: stringDefault: ""

# Examples

user: ${USER}


A PLAIN password. It is recommended that you use environment variables to populate this field.


This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn't be added to a config directly, read our secrets page for more info.

Type: stringDefault: ""

# Examples

password: ${PASSWORD}


A static OAUTHBEARER access token

Type: stringDefault: ""


Instead of using a static access_token allows you to query a cache resource to fetch OAUTHBEARER tokens from

Type: stringDefault: ""


Required when using a token_cache, the key to query the cache with for tokens.

Type: stringDefault: ""


The topic to publish messages to. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: stringDefault: ""


An identifier for the client connection.

Type: stringDefault: "benthos"


The version of the Kafka protocol to use. This limits the capabilities used by the client and should ideally match the version of your brokers.

Type: stringDefault: "2.0.0"


A rack identifier for this client.

Type: stringDefault: ""


The key to publish messages with. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: stringDefault: ""


The partitioning algorithm to use.

Type: stringDefault: "fnv1a_hash"Options: fnv1a_hashmurmur2_hashrandomround_robinmanual.


The manually-specified partition to publish messages to, relevant only when the field partitioner is set to manual. Must be able to parse as a 32-bit integer. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: stringDefault: ""


The compression algorithm to use.

Type: stringDefault: "none"Options: nonesnappylz4gzipzstd.


An optional map of static headers that should be added to messages in addition to metadata.

Type: objectDefault: {}

# Examples

  first-static-header: value-1
  second-static-header: value-2


Specify criteria for which metadata values are sent with messages as headers.

Type: object


Provide a list of explicit metadata key prefixes to be excluded when adding metadata to sent messages.

Type: arrayDefault: []


EXPERIMENTAL: A Bloblang mapping used to inject an object containing tracing propagation information into outbound messages. The specification of the injected fields will match the format used by the service wide tracer.

Type: stringDefault: ""Requires version 3.45.0 or newer

# Examples

inject_tracing_map: meta = meta().merge(this)

inject_tracing_map: root.meta.span = this


The maximum number of parallel message batches to have in flight at any given time.

Type: int

Default: 64


Ensure that messages have been copied across all replicas before acknowledging receipt.

Type: bool

Default: false


The maximum size in bytes of messages sent to the target topic.

Type: int

Default: 1000000


The maximum period of time to wait for message sends before abandoning the request and retrying.

Type: string

Default: "5s"


When enabled forces an entire batch of messages to be retried if any individual message fails on a send, otherwise only the individual messages that failed are retried. Disabling this helps to reduce message duplicates during intermittent errors but also makes it impossible to guarantee strict ordering of messages.

Type: bool

Default: false


Allows you to configure a batching policy.

Type: object

# Examples

  byte_size: 5000
  count: 0
  period: 1s

  count: 10
  period: 1s

  check: this.contains("END BATCH")
  count: 0
  period: 1m


A number of messages at which the batch should be flushed. If 0 disables count-based batching.

Type: int

Default: 0


An amount of bytes at which the batch should be flushed. If 0 disables size-based batching.

Type: int

Default: 0


A period in which an incomplete batch should be flushed regardless of its size.

Type: string

Default: ""

# Examples

period: 1s

period: 1m

period: 500ms


A Bloblang query that should return a boolean value indicating whether a message should end a batch.

Type: string

Default: ""

# Examples

check: this.type == "end_of_transaction"


A list of processors to apply to a batch as it is flushed. This allows you to aggregate and archive the batch however you see fit. Please note that all resulting messages are flushed as a single batch, therefore splitting the batch into smaller batches using these processors is a no-op.

Type: array

Default: []

# Examples

  - archive:
      format: concatenate

  - archive:
      format: lines

  - archive:
      format: json_array


The maximum number of retries before giving up on the request. If set to zero, there is no discrete limit.

Type: int

Default: 0


Control time intervals between retry attempts.

Type: object


The initial period to wait between retry attempts.

Type: string

Default: "3s"


The maximum period to wait between retry attempts.

Type: string

Default: "10s"


The maximum period to wait before retry attempts are abandoned. If zero, then no limit is used.

Type: string

Default: "30s"