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Attributes of Database manifest

Structure of Database manifest

#Attribtues for Resource
name: products_db
version: v1                           #database_name 
type: database                        
description: product database created for testing.
  - database
owner: iamgroot
layer: user
  migrate:                  #mandatory
      - migrations/     # all up & down sql files.
    includesInline: |
      "CREATE TABLE users (
      username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
      email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL"
    command: up           # in case of drop table, write down.  
    parameter: example
  manageAsUser: iamgroot        #string
  compute: runnable-default       

Resource-specific section Attributes

This section serves as the header of the manifest file, defining the overall characteristics of the Worker Resource you wish to create. It includes attributes common to all types of Resources in DataOS. These attributes help DataOS in identifying, categorizing, and managing the Resource within its ecosystem. To learn about the Resources of this section, refer to the following link: Attributes of Resource meta section

Database-specific section Attributes


Description: The database attributes is a mapping that defines the configuration for a Database within the DataOS environment.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
mapping mandatory none none

Example Usage:

  migrate:                  #mandatory
      - migrations/     # all up & down sql files.
    command: up   
  compute: runnable-default        # in case of drop table, write down.  
   # database attributes go here


Description: Configures database migration settings, allowing the application of changes to the database schema over time for seamless updates as the application evolves. It specifies the directory and command for managing migrations.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
mapping mandatory none none

Example Usage:

        - ${ my_migrations/}
    command: up


Description: Points to the directory (products_migration/) containing all migration files. These files provide instructions for modifying the database schema, enabling organized management of database changes and versioning.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of string optional none valid migration file path

Example usage:

    - ${ my_migrations/}


Description: It is an object property that uses a pattern property to allow keys of any string and values that must be strings. It is used to represent inline or embedded migration scripts directly within the configuration.

It is used to represent inline or embeed migration scripts directly within the configuration in the form of key-value pairs, where key represent the name of the migration and value is the migration script

Property Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
includesInline mapping optional none Key-value pairs

Example usage:

  script1: "CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255));"
  script2: "ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN email VARCHAR(255);"


Description: The command attribute in databases involves up and down commands. up applies schema changes for version transition, while down reverts changes, crucial for rollbacks to previous versions.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none up/down

Example usage:

  command: down



Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none none

Example usage:

    parameter: 3


Description: When the manageAsUser attribute is configured with the UserID of the use-case assignee, it grants the authority to perform operations on behalf of that user.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none userID of the Use Case Assignee

Example usage:

manageAsUser: iamgroot


Description: the compute attribute specifies the name of the Compute Resource-instance referred by the Cluster.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none any valid Compute Resource-instance name