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Attributes of a Secret

Structure of Secret manifest

  type: ${{secret_subtype}}
  acl: {{access_control_level}}
    ${{key1}}: ${{value1}}
    ${{key2}}: ${{value2}}
  file:   #Optional
    ${{xyz}}: ${{file-path}}  
  type: key-value
  acl: rw
    username: iamgroot
    password: secure_password

Resource meta section

The Resource meta section of the manifest configuration file encompasses attributes that maintain uniformity across all resource types. The provided manifest snippet illustrates the key-value pairs that must be declared in this section: For more information about the various attributes in Resource meta section, refer to the Attributes of Resource meta section.

Secret-specific section attributes


Description: secret comprising various configurations specific to the Secret.

Default Value Possible Values Data Type Requirement
None None list of mappings Mandatory


Description: type specifies the type of Secret within DataOS.

Default Value Possible Values Data Type Requirement
None cloud-kernel, cloud-kernel-image-pull, key-value, key-value-properties, certificate String Mandatory

Lets see each type of secrets one by one:

  • Purpose: The 'cloud-kernel' secret type is intended for the secure storage of credentials or sensitive information associated with cloud kernels. It is particularly suitable for managing authentication details, such as access keys or API tokens, required for interactions at the kernel level in cloud environments.
  • Use Case: This type is well-suited for the secure management of cloud-specific kernel-level credentials and configurations.
name: testing
version: v1
type: secret
description: a very special test secret
  type: cloud-kernel
  acl: r
    ${{a: b}}
    ${{c: d}}
    ${{e: f}}
name: testing
version: v1
type: secret
description: a very special test secret
  type: cloud-kernel
  acl: r
    accesskeyid: *****************
    secretkey: ******************
  • Purpose: The 'cloud-kernel-image-pull' secret type is designed for secrets related to the pulling of images in cloud environments. It encompasses authentication details essential for pulling container images from cloud-based repositories or registries.
  • Use Case: This type is optimal for securely managing secrets required during the retrieval of container images from cloud repositories.
name: testing
version: v1
type: secret
description: a very special test secret
  type: cloud-kernel-image-pull
  acl: r
    ${{a: b}}
    ${{c: d}}
    ${{e: f}}
name: docker-image-pull
version: v1beta1
type: secret
description: a very special test secret
  type: cloud-kernel-image-pull
  acl: r
    .dockerconfigjson: |
        "auths": {
          "": {
            "auth": "",
            "username": "",
            "password": ""
  • Purpose: The 'key-value' secret type is a versatile solution for storing key-value pairs of sensitive information. Its simplicity and flexibility make it suitable for a wide range of secrets, including usernames, passwords, and API keys.
  • Use Case: Commonly employed for the secure storage of various sensitive information due to its adaptable and straightforward structure.
name: ${{testing}}
version: v1
type: secret
  type: key-value
  acl: r
name: my-secret-name-rw
version: v1beta1
type: secret
  type: key-value
  acl: rw    # can be r|rw
    accesskeyid: *****************
    secretkey: ******************
  • Purpose: The 'key-value-properties' secret type shares similarities with the 'key-value' type but emphasizes properties. It allows for the storage of additional metadata or properties alongside key-value pairs, providing a more structured approach.
  • Use Case: This type is ideal for scenarios where associating additional metadata or properties with each key-value pair is necessary.
name: ${{testing}}
version: v1
type: secret
  type: key-value-properties
  acl: r
  key_json: ${{json-file-name}} # secrets in a file
version: v1beta1
name: s3-pos-rw
type: secret
  type: key-value-properties
  acl: rw    # can be r|rw
    accesskeyid: *****************
    secretkey: ******************
    awsaccesskeyid: ****************
    awssecretaccesskey: **************
  • Purpose: The 'certificates' secret type is designed to manage certificates. It facilitates the secure storage of sensitive information about SSL/TLS certificates, ensuring secure communication within a system.
  • Use Case: Well-suited for securely managing certificates utilized in secure communication protocols.
name: ${{secret-name}}
version: v1
type: secret
  type: certificate
  acl: rw
    truststoreLocation: ${{file-path}}
    keystoreLocation: ${{file-path}}
name: my-certificate-secret
version: v1
type: secret
  type: certificate
  acl: rw
    truststoreLocation: /path/to/truststore/file
    keystoreLocation: /path/to/keystore/file

The main difference between "key-value" and "key-value-properties" secret types lies in how the system handles the data:

  • key-value: The system passes each key-value pair separately, without any alterations, maintaining them as individual fields.

  • key-value-properties: In contrast, the system passes all the secrets as one single field, treating them collectively, but it also allows for associating additional metadata or properties with each key-value pair. Additionally, this type supports referencing a file containing the secret value, providing flexibility in managing larger sets of data.


Description: Access control list, defining the level of permissions for the secret.

Default Value Possible Values Data Type Requirement
None r (Read), rw (Read-Write) String Mandatory

Example Usage:

  type: key-value
  acl: r
    username: john_doe
    password: secure_password
  type: key-value
  acl: rw
    username: john_doe
    password: secure_password


Description: data comprises the various key value pairs of sensitive informations such as username and password.

Example Usage:

  type: ${{key-value}}
  acl: rw|r
    key: ${{value}}
    key: ${{value}}
  type: key-value
  acl: rw
    username: john_doe
    password: secure_password

As per the Secret type, the data-specific section can contain different attributes. Below is the example usage of key-value-properties.

  • username: Description: The username associated with the secret. Data Type: String Requirement: Mandatory
  • password: Description: The password or secure key associated with the secret. Data Type: String Requirement: Mandatory

These key-value pair can be different as per the different types of resources.


Description: You can directly pass the file containing your credentials.

Default Value Possible Values Data Type Requirement
None Secret-file-path String Optional
  type: ${{key-value}}
  acl: rw|r
    key: ${{value}}
    key: ${{value}}
  file: ${{file-path}}  
  type: key-value-properties
  acl: rw
    username: john_doe
    password: secure_password
  file: path/file