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Lakehouse Command Reference

Lakehouse Management Commands

Here is a reference to the various commands related to managing Lakehouses in DataOS:

Applying a Lakehouse

Applying the Lakehouse Resource manifest creates a Lakehouse Resource-instance in the DataOS environment. The manifest can be applied using one of the two commands provided below. Both commands achieve the same outcome.


dataos-ctl resource apply -f ${manifest-file-path} -w ${workspace}

Alternate Command

dataos-ctl apply -f ${manifest-file-path} -w ${workspace}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -f or --manifestFile: This flag specifies the location of the manifest file containing the configuration for the Lakehouse Resource.
    • Placeholder: ${manifest-file-path}
    • Example: ./lakehouse/manifest.yaml
  • -w or --workspace: This flag indicates the target Workspace within DataOS where the Lakehouse Resource will be created. If not specified, the default Workspace used is “public”.
    • Placeholder: ${workspace}
    • Example: sandbox, testing


To apply a Lakehouse Resource manifest to a specific workspace, replace the placeholders with the actual file path and workspace name. For instance:

dataos-ctl resource apply -f ./lakehouse/manifest.yaml -w testing

This command instructs DataOS to apply the Lakehouse Resource configuration defined in ./lakehouse/manifest.yaml to the testing workspace.

Get Lakehouse Status

Retrieving the status of a specific Lakehouse provides insight into its current operational state within the DataOS environment. This operation can be performed using any of the two commands detailed below.


dataos-ctl resource get -t lakehouse -w ${workspace-name}

Alternate Command

dataos-ctl resource get -t lakehouse -w ${workspace-name}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -t: This flag specifies the type of resource for which the status is being requested, in this case, lakehouse.
  • -w: This flag indicates the Workspace from which to retrieve the Lakehouse status.
    • Placeholder: ${workspace-name}
    • Example: curriculum

Example Usage

To check the status of a Lakehouse in the 'curriculum' workspace:

dataos-ctl resource get -t lakehouse -w curriculum

This command queries the status of Lakehouse resources within the 'curriculum' workspace.

Get the Status of all Lakehouses within a Workspace

To overview the status of all Workers related to Lakehouse instances within a specified workspace, the following command is used:


dataos-ctl resource get -t lakehouse -w ${workspace-name} -a

Alternate Command

dataos-ctl get -t lakehouse -w ${workspace-name} -a

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a: This flag is used to retrieve the status of all Workers within the given Workspace.
  • Other flags and placeholders are the same as previously described.

Example Usage

To obtain the status of all Workers in the 'curriculum' workspace:

dataos-ctl resource get -t lakehouse -w curriculum -a

This instructs DataOS to display the status of all Workers related to Lakehouse within the 'curriculum' workspace.

Generate Lakehouse JSON Schema

Generating the JSON schema for a Lakehouse, especially for a specified version, is crucial for developers to understand its configuration structure:


dataos-ctl develop schema generate -t lakehouse -v ${version}

Sample Command

dataos-ctl develop schema generate -t lakehouse -v v1alpha

Flags and Placeholders

  • -t or --type: This flag denotes the type of schema to generate, here, lakehouse.
  • -v: Specifies the version of the Lakehouse for which the schema is to be generated.
    • Placeholder: ${version}
    • Example: v1alpha

Example Usage

To generate a JSON schema for a Lakehouse of version 'v1alpha':

dataos-ctl develop schema generate -t lakehouse -v v1alpha

This generates the JSON schema for Lakehouse resources conforming to the 'v1alpha' version.

Get Lakehouse JSON Resource Schema

To obtain the JSON resource schema for a Lakehouse, especially for a specific version, use the command below:


dataos-ctl develop get resource -t lakehouse -v ${version}

Sample Command

dataos-ctl develop get resource -t lakehouse -v v1alpha

Flags and Placeholders

Similar to generating the JSON schema, the flags -t and -v are used to specify the resource type and version, respectively.

Example Usage

For acquiring the JSON resource schema for a Lakehouse version 'v1alpha':

dataos-ctl develop get resource -t lakehouse -v v1alpha

This command retrieves the detailed JSON schema for Lakehouse resources of the specified version.

Deleting Lakehouse

To delete a specific lakehouse, you can use the below command:


dataos-ctl resource delete -t lakehouse -w ${workspace_name} -n ${lakehouse_name}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -t or -type: Specifies the type of resource to delete, which in this case is a lakehouse.
  • w or -workspace: Specifies the name of the workspace where the lakehouse is located.
    • Placeholder: ${workspace_name}
    • Example: ${bent}
  • -n or --name: Specifies the name of the lakehouse to delete.
    • Placeholder: ${lakehouse_name}
    • Example: ${benthos3-lakehouse}


dataos-ctl resource delete -t lakehouse -w curriculum -n benthos3-lakehouse

This command will delete the lakehouse named benthos3-lakehouse located in the curriculum workspace.

Dataset Management Commands

How to create and fetch datasets?

Create Dataset

Get the list of all Datasets

This command enables users to list datasets within a specific depot and collection in the DataOS environment. It provides a concise overview of all datasets available under the specified location.


dataos-ctl dataset list -a dataos://icebase:retail

Flags and Placeholders

  • flags and placeholders are the same as previously described.
  • ${depot} and ${collection}: Placeholder for the depot and collection names within the DataOS environment as described in previous command.


Upon executing the command, the output provides a list of datasets available under the specified depot and collection:


Retrieving Dataset Information

This command allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific dataset within the DataOS environment. It provides insights into the dataset's schema and its properties, such as the schema type, Avro schema definition, and Iceberg metadata.


dataos-ctl dataset  get -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset}  #UDL

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: This flag specifies the target address or location of a dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city


To retrieve information about the dataset located at dataos://icebase:retail/city, you can use the following command:

dataos-ctl dataset  get -a dataos://icebase:retail/city

Drop Dataset

This command is used to drop a dataset specified by its unique dataset location (UDL) in the DataOS platform.


dataos-ctl dataset properties -a dataos://{collection}/{dataset}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${collection} and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://retail/city


dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city drop

Dropping a dataset will permanently delete it and its associated data. This action cannot be undone.

or you can also equivalently use

drop with --purge

If this -p/--purge (Purge Value) is set to true (by default, this is false), the dataset entry gets deleted from the store as well as all its files.


dataos-ctl dataset -a ${udl} drop -p false
# OR
dataos-ctl dataset -a ${udl} drop --purge false

# '-a' flag denotes the Dataset Address
# ${udl} is a placeholder for dataset UDL - dataos://icebase:retail/city is one such sample UDL
# '-p' or '--purge' flags denote the purge value
  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${collection} and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://retail/city

How to configure table properties?

List Properties

This command allows users to retrieve properties of a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset properties -a dataos://{collection}/{dataset}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${collection} and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://retail/city


To retrieve properties of the city dataset in the retail collection:

dataos-ctl dataset properties -a dataos://retail/city

This command will display the properties of the city dataset within the retail collection

Adding Properties

This command allows users to add custom properties to a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset add-properties -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} \
-p ${property_key}:{property_value}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
  • -p or --properties: Specifies the properties to be added to the dataset.
    • Placeholder: ${property_key}:{property_value}
    • Example:


To add the custom property with the value testaddproperty to the city dataset in the retail collection of Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset add-properties -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \

This command will add the specified property to the city dataset.

Removing Properties

This command allows users to remove custom properties from a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset remove-properties -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} \
-p ${property_key}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.

    Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}

    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
    • -p or --properties: Specifies the property key to be removed from the dataset.
    • Placeholder: ${property_key}
    • Example:


To remove the custom property from the city dataset in the retail collection of Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset remove-properties -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \

This command will remove the specified property from the city dataset.

How to manage field/column? (Schema Evolution)

Adding Field/Column

This command allows users to add a new field to a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset add-field -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} \
-n ${field_name} \
-t ${field_type}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
  • -n or --name: Specifies the name of the field to be added.
    • Placeholder: ${field_name}
    • Example: sample_field
  • -t or --type: Specifies the type of the field to be added.
    • Placeholder: ${field_type}
    • Example: string


To add a new field named sample_field of type string to the city dataset in the retail collection of Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset add-field -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \
-n sample_field \
-t string

This command will add the specified field to the city dataset.

Dropping Field/Column

This command allows users to drop (delete) a field from a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset drop-field -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} \
-n ${field_name}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
  • -n or --name: Specifies the name of the field to be dropped.
    • Placeholder: ${field_name}
    • Example: sample_field

Renaming Field/Column

This command allows users to rename a field in a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset rename-field -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} \
-n ${old_field_name} \
-m ${new_field_name}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
  • -n or --name: Specifies the current name of the field to be renamed.
    • Placeholder: ${old_field_name}
    • Example: county_name
  • -m for --new-name: Specifies the new name for the field.
    • Placeholder: ${new_field_name}
    • Example: country_name


To rename the field from county_name to country_name in the city dataset of the retail collection in Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset rename-field -a dataos://icebase:retail/city -n county_name -m country_name

This command will rename the specified field from county_name to country_name in the city dataset.

Updating Dataset Field

This command allows users to update the type of a field in a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset update-field -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} \
-n ${field_name} \
-t ${new_field_type}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
  • -n or --name: Specifies the name of the field to be updated.
    • Placeholder: ${field_name}
    • Example: zip_code
  • -t or --type: Specifies the new type for the field.
    • Placeholder: ${new_field_type}
    • Example: long


To update the type of the field zip_code to long in the city dataset of the retail collection in Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset update-field -a dataos://icebase:retail/city -n zip_code -t long

This command will update the specified field zip_code to have the type long in the city dataset.

How to perform partitioning?

Single Partitioning

The partitioning in any iceberg table is column based. Currently, Flare supports only these Partition Transforms: identity, year, month, day, and hour.


dataos-ctl dataset -a <dataset_udl> -p "<partition_key>"


dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city -p "identity:state_name"

All available single partitioning

  • identity
dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city -p "identity:state_name"
  • year
dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city -p "year:ts_city:year_partition"
  • month
dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \
-p "month:ts_city:month_partition"
  • day
dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \
-p "day:ts_city:day_partition"
  • hour
dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \
-p "hour:ts_city:hour_partition"

Multiple Partitioning

Partitioning can be done on multiple levels. For example, a user wants to partition the city data into two partitions, the first based on state_code and the second based on the month. This can be done using the below command:

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \
-p "identity:state_code" \
-p "month:ts_city:month_partition"

Updating partition


dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city update-partition \
-p "${partition_type}:${column_name}:${partition_name}"

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a: Denotes the Dataset Address. It specifies the UDL (Unique Dataset Location) of the dataset to be updated.
    • dataos://icebase:retail/city: Sample UDL provided.
  • -p "${partition_type}:${column_name}:${partition_name}": Specifies the new partition configuration.
    • ${partition_type}: Placeholder for the type of partitioning to be used (e.g., identity, range).
    • ${column_name}: Placeholder for the column name used for partitioning.
    • ${partition_name}: Placeholder for the name of the partition.
    • Example month:ts_city:month_partition


dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city update-partition \
-p "month:ts_city:month_partition"

INFO[0000] 📂 update partition...                        
INFO[0000] 📂 update partition...completed

How to create and manage branch?

Listing Branches

This command allows users to list branches for a specific dataset within a depot and collection in the DataOS environment. To list the branches of a particular dataset in a collection, replace the placeholders with the targeted depot, collection, and dataset.


dataos-ctl dataset list-branch -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: This flag specifies the target address or location of a dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city


To list the branches of the city dataset in the retail collection of Icebase depot

dataos-ctl dataset list-branch -a dataos://icebase:retail/city


INFO[0000] 📂 list branches...                           
INFO[0001] 📂 list branches...completed                  

  test    905423312211489819  
  main    905423312211489819  

Creating Branch

This command allows users to create a new branch for a specific dataset within a depot and collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset create-branch -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} -b ${branch_name}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
  • -b or --branch: Specifies the name of the new branch to be created.
    • Placeholder: ${branch_name}
    • Example: test_branch2


To create a new branch named 'test_branch2' for the city dataset in the retail collection of the Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset create-branch -a dataos://icebase:retail/city -b test_branch2

This command will create a new branch named 'test_branch2' for the specified dataset. You can use the list branch command to look for newly created branch

Renaming Branch

This command allows users to rename a branch for a specific dataset within a depot and collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset rename-branch -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} -b ${branch_name} -n ${new_branch_name}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
  • -b or --branch: Specifies the current name of the branch to be renamed.
    • Placeholder: ${branch_name}
    • Example: test
  • -n or --name: Specifies the new name for the branch.
    • Placeholder: ${new_branch_name}
    • Example: test_branch


To rename the branch named 'test' to 'test_branch' for the city dataset in the retail collection of Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset rename-branch -a dataos://icebase:retail/city -b test -n test_branch

This command will rename the specified branch, and upon listing the branches again, you would observe the updated branch name.

test_branch  905423312211489819
main         905423312211489819

Deleting Branch

This command allows users to delete a specific branch for a dataset within a depot and collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset delete-branch -a dataos://icebase:retail/city -b ${branch_name}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
  • -b or --branch: Specifies the name of the branch to be deleted.
    • Placeholder: ${branch_name}
    • Example: test_branch2


To delete the branch named 'test_branch2' for the city dataset in the retail collection of Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset delete-branch -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} -b test_branch2

This command will delete the specified branch ('test_branch2') for the dataset.

Replacing Branch

This command allows users to replace the snapshot of a branch with another snapshot for a specific dataset within a depot and collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset replace-branch -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} --source ${branch_name} --target ${branch_to_replace_with}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
  • --source: Specifies the source branch whose snapshot needs to be replaced.
    • Placeholder: ${branch_name}
    • Example: test_branch
  • --target: Specifies the target branch where the snapshot will be replaced.
    • Placeholder: ${branch_to_replace_with}
    • Example: test_branch2


To replace the snapshot of the 'test_branch' with another snapshot for the 'test_branch2' for the city dataset in the retail collection of Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset replace-branch -a dataos://icebase:retail/city --source test_branch --target test_branch2

This command will replace the snapshot of the 'test_branch' with another snapshot for the 'test_branch2' branch.

Fast Forwarding Branch

This command allows users to fast-forward a branch to another branch's state for a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset fastforward-branch -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} --source ${source_branch} --target ${target_branch}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
  • --source: Specifies the source branch from which the changes will be fast-forwarded.
    • Placeholder: ${source_branch}
    • Example: main
  • --target: Specifies the target branch to which the changes will be fast-forwarded.
    • Placeholder: ${target_branch}
    • Example: test_branch


To fast forward the test_branch to the state of the main branch for the city dataset in the retail collection of Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset fastforward-branch -a dataos://icebase:retail/city --source main --target test_branch

This command will fast forward the test_branch to the state of the main branch for the city dataset.

Setting Snapshot

This command allows users to set a specific snapshot as the current state of a dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset set-snapshot -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} -i ${snapshot_id}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
  • -i or --id: Specifies the ID of the snapshot to set as the current state of the dataset.
    • Placeholder: ${snapshot_id}


To set the snapshot with ID 905423312211489819 as the current state of the city dataset in the retail collection of the icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset set-snapshot -a dataos://icebase:retail/city -i 905423312211489819

This command will set the specified snapshot as the current state of the city dataset.


    BRANCH         SNAPSHOTID       
  stage        8843932524527268980  
  test-branch  8843932524527268980  
  main         8843932524527268980  


     BRANCH         SNAPSHOTID       
  test_branch   8546760663040429688  
  main          905423312211489819   
  test_branch2  8546760663040429688 

Cherry-picking Snapshot

This command allows users to cherry-pick changes from one snapshot to another for a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset cherrypick-snapshot -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} --sid ${snapshot_id}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
  • --sid: Specifies the ID of the snapshot to cherry-pick changes from.
    • Placeholder: ${snapshot_id}


To cherry-pick changes from the snapshot with ID 8546760663040429688 for the city dataset in the retail collection of the icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset cherrypick-snapshot -a dataos://icebase:retail/city --sid 8546760663040429688

This command will cherry-pick changes from the specified snapshot for the city dataset.

This will result in

     BRANCH         SNAPSHOTID       
  test_branch   8546760663040429688  
  main          8546760663040429688  
  test_branch2  8546760663040429688  


This command allows users to roll back a dataset to a specific snapshot within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset rollback -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} -i ${snapshot_id}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
  • -i or --id: Specifies the ID of the snapshot to roll back the dataset to.
    • Placeholder: ${snapshot_id}


To roll back the city dataset in the retail collection of the icebase depot to the snapshot with ID 905423312211489819:

dataos-ctl dataset rollback -a dataos://icebase:retail/city -i 905423312211489819

This command will roll back the dataset to the specified ancestral snapshot.

  1. Setting Snapshot (dataos-ctl dataset set-snapshot):
    • This command sets a specific snapshot as the current state of the dataset.
    • It effectively replaces the current state with the state of the specified snapshot.
    • Useful when you want to explicitly switch to a specific known state if this state fails
    • Typically used when you want to make sure that end user can only view a certain previous snapshot your dataset is at a particular point in time.
  2. Rollback (dataos-ctl dataset rollback):
    • This command rolls back the dataset to a specific snapshot.
    • It changes the current state to a previous state in the history of the dataset.
    • It's important to note that you can only roll back to snapshots that are ancestors of the current state.
    • If the snapshot you want to roll back to is not an ancestor, the operation will fail.
    • Useful when you want to undo changes or revert to a previous known state of the main branch.
  3. Cherrypicking Snapshot (dataos-ctl dataset cherrypick-snapshot):

    In an audit workflow, new data is written to an orphan Snapshot that is not committed as the table's current state until it is audited. After auditing a change, it may need to be applied or cherry-picked on top of the latest snapshot instead of the one that was current when the audited changes were created. This supports cherry-picking the changes from an orphan snapshot by applying them to the current snapshot. The output of the operation is a new snapshot with the changes from cherry-picked snapshot.

How to model snapshots and managed metadata versions?

Retrieving Snapshots

This command allows users to retrieve information about the snapshots associated with a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset snapshots -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city

Output Columns

  • SNAPSHOTID: The unique identifier of the snapshot.
  • TIMESTAMP: The timestamp associated with the snapshot.
  • DATE AND TIME (GMT): The date and time of the snapshot in GMT timezone.


To retrieve information about the snapshots associated with the city dataset in the retail collection of Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset snapshots -a dataos://icebase:retail/city

This command will display the snapshot ID, timestamp, and date/time (GMT) of the snapshots associated with the city dataset.

Retrieving Metadata Versions

This command allows users to retrieve information about the versions of metadata associated with a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset metadata -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city

Output Columns

  • VERSION: The version of the metadata file.
  • TIMESTAMP: The timestamp associated with the metadata version.


To retrieve information about the metadata versions associated with the city dataset in the retail collection of Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset metadata -a dataos://icebase:retail/city

This command will display the versions and timestamps of the metadata files associated with the city dataset.

Setting Dataset Metadata

This command allows users to set the metadata version for a specific dataset within a collection in the DataOS environment.


dataos-ctl dataset set-metadata -a dataos://${depot}:${collection}/${dataset} -v ${metadata_version}

Flags and Placeholders

  • -a or --address: Specifies the target address or location of the dataset in a UDL format.
    • Placeholder: ${depot}, ${collection}, and ${dataset}
    • Example: dataos://icebase:retail/city
  • -v or --version: Specifies the metadata version to be set.
    • Placeholder: ${metadata_version}
    • Example: latest


To set the metadata version to "latest" for the city dataset in the retail collection of Icebase depot:

dataos-ctl dataset set-metadata -a dataos://icebase:retail/city -v latest

This command will set the metadata version of the city dataset to "latest".