package pulsar
Type Members
case class
PulsarInput(name: String, serviceUrl: String, adminUrl: String, tenant: String, namespace: String, topic: String, topicPattern: Option[String], options: Option[Map[String, String]], isBatch: Option[Boolean], incremental: Option[Incremental]) extends IncrementalReader with DatasourceReader with Product with Serializable
Represents a Pulsar input configuration for data retrieval.
Represents a Pulsar input configuration for data retrieval.
- name
The name of the Pulsar input.
- serviceUrl
The URL of the Pulsar service.
- adminUrl
The URL of the Pulsar admin service.
- tenant
The Pulsar tenant.
- namespace
The Pulsar namespace.
- topic
The Pulsar topic to read from.
- topicPattern
An optional regular expression pattern to match multiple topics.
- options
An optional map of additional options for the Pulsar input.
- isBatch
An optional flag indicating if the read is in batch mode.
- incremental
An optional incremental configuration for data processing.