package mongo
Type Members
case class
MongoDbInput(name: String, nodes: List[String], subprotocol: String, database: String, table: String, username: String, password: String, queryParams: Option[String], options: Option[Map[String, String]], incremental: Option[Incremental]) extends IncrementalReader with DatasourceReader with Product with Serializable
Represents a MongoDB input configuration for data retrieval.
Represents a MongoDB input configuration for data retrieval.
- name
The name of the MongoDB input.
- nodes
A list of MongoDB nodes/hosts to connect to.
- subprotocol
The subprotocol for MongoDB connection (e.g., "mongodb" or "mongodb+srv").
- database
The name of the MongoDB database to read from.
- table
The name of the MongoDB collection (table) to read from.
- username
The username for authentication (if required).
- password
The password for authentication (if required).
- queryParams
An optional string containing query parameters to append to the URL.
- options
An optional map of additional options for the MongoDB input.
- incremental
An optional incremental configuration for data processing.