package output
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
BigqueryDatasourceOutput(table: String, project: String, dataset: String, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Append, gcsKeyJsonFilePath: Option[String], bigqueryOptions: BigqueryOutputOptions, sparkOptions: Map[String, String]) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents a BigQuery datasource output configuration.
Represents a BigQuery datasource output configuration.
- table
The BigQuery table name.
- project
The BigQuery project.
- dataset
The BigQuery dataset.
- gcsKeyJsonFilePath
The optional file path to the GCS key JSON file.
- bigqueryOptions
Additional options for the BigQuery output.
- sparkOptions
Spark bigquery datasource related options
case class
BigqueryOutputOptions(temporaryBucket: Option[String], persistentBucket: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
Represents options for writing data to a BigQuery data source.
Represents options for writing data to a BigQuery data source.
- temporaryBucket
An optional temporary bucket for BigQuery data.
- persistentBucket
An optional persistent bucket for BigQuery data.
case class
CassandraDatasourceOutput(table: String, saveMode: SaveMode, options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents a Cassandra datasource output configuration.
Represents a Cassandra datasource output configuration.
- options
Additional options for the Cassandra output.
case class
DatasetOutput(name: String, dataset: String, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Append, format: Option[String], columnTags: Option[List[Map[String, Any]]], assertions: Option[List[Map[String, Any]]], options: DatasetOutputOptions = ...) extends OutputConfig with Product with Serializable
Represents the configuration for a dataset output.
Represents the configuration for a dataset output.
- name
The name of the dataset output.
- dataset
The dataset address.
- saveMode
The SaveMode for writing data to the dataset. Default is SaveMode.Append.
- format
The output format.
- columnTags
The tags associated with each column of the dataset.
- assertions
The assertions for the dataset.
- options
Additional options for the dataset output.
case class
DatasetOutputOptions(title: Option[String], description: Option[String], tags: Option[List[String]], saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Append, queryParams: Option[String], pathParams: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, sparkOptions: Map[String, String], sortOptions: Option[SortOptions], partitionColumns: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, streamingConfig: Option[Streaming], icebergOptions: Option[IcebergOutputOptions], jdbcOptions: Option[JDBCOutputOptions], bigqueryOptions: Option[BigqueryOutputOptions]) extends Product with Serializable
Represents options for writing data to a dataset output.
Represents options for writing data to a dataset output.
- title
An optional title for the dataset output.
- description
An optional description for the dataset output.
- tags
An optional list of tags for the dataset output.
- saveMode
The SaveMode for writing data to the dataset. Default is SaveMode.Append.
- queryParams
An optional String representing query parameters to append to the resolved dataos URL.
- pathParams
The map of path parameters to replace in the resolved dataos URL.
- sparkOptions
The map of Spark options for configuring the dataset output.
- sortOptions
An optional SortOptions for sorting data during output.
- partitionColumns
The sequence of partition columns for the dataset output.
- streamingConfig
An optional Streaming configuration for the dataset output.
- icebergOptions
An optional IcebergOutputOptions for writing data to Iceberg data sources.
- jdbcOptions
An optional JDBCOutputOptions for writing data to JDBC data sources.
- bigqueryOptions
An optional BigqueryOutputOptions for writing data to BigQuery data sources.
DatasetOutputOptionsBuilder extends AnyRef
Builder class for constructing DatasetOutputOptions.
DatasourceOutput extends OutputConfig
This abstract class represents a DatasourceOutput, which is a subclass of OutputConfig.
This abstract class represents a DatasourceOutput, which is a subclass of OutputConfig. DatasourceOutput provides a configuration for output settings related to a data source.
case class
ElasticsearchDatasourceOutput(nodes: String, index: String, username: Option[String], password: Option[String], saveMode: SaveMode, options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the output configuration for an Elasticsearch datasource.
Represents the output configuration for an Elasticsearch datasource.
- nodes
The Elasticsearch nodes to connect to.
- index
The name of the Elasticsearch index.
- username
(Optional) The username for authentication.
- password
(Optional) The password for authentication.
- options
(Optional) Spark elastic search datasource options
case class
EventHubDatasourceOutput(endpoint: String, eventhubName: String, sasKeyName: String, sasKey: String, options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the output configuration for an Event Hub datasource.
Represents the output configuration for an Event Hub datasource.
- endpoint
The Event Hub endpoint.
- eventhubName
The name of the Event Hub.
- sasKeyName
The SAS key name for authentication.
- sasKey
The SAS key for authentication.
- options
(Optional) Additional options for the Event Hub spark datasource.
case class
FileDatasourceOutput(path: Option[String], warehousePath: Option[String], catalogName: Option[String], icebergCatalogType: Option[String], schemaName: Option[String], tableName: Option[String], format: String = "parquet", saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Append, metastoreUris: Option[String], title: Option[String], description: Option[String], tags: Option[List[String]], icebergOptions: Option[IcebergOutputOptions], sortOptions: Option[SortOptions], partitionColumns: Seq[String], sparkOptions: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the output configuration for a file-based datasource.
Represents the output configuration for a file-based datasource.
- path
(Optional) The output file path.
- warehousePath
(Optional) The warehouse path.
- catalogName
(Optional) The catalog name.
- icebergCatalogType
(Optional) The type of the Iceberg catalog.
- schemaName
(Optional) The schema name.
- tableName
(Optional) The table name.
- format
The output format, default is "parquet".
- metastoreUris
(Optional) The URIs of the metastore.
- title
(Optional) The title of the output.
- description
(Optional) The description of the output.
- tags
(Optional) The tags associated with the output.
- icebergOptions
(Optional) Additional options for the iceberg datasource.
- sparkOptions
(Optional) Additional options for the file-based output.
case class
IcebergMergeOptions(onClause: String, whenClause: String) extends Product with Serializable
Represents options for merging Iceberg data.
Represents options for merging Iceberg data.
- onClause
The ON clause for the merge.
- whenClause
The WHEN clause for the merge.
case class
IcebergOutputOptions(properties: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, partitionSpec: List[IcebergPartitionSpecItem] = List.empty, merge: Option[IcebergMergeOptions]) extends Product with Serializable
Represents options for writing data to an Iceberg data source.
Represents options for writing data to an Iceberg data source.
- properties
Additional properties for the Iceberg data source.
- partitionSpec
The list of Iceberg partition specification items.
- merge
Optional merge options for Iceberg data.
case class
IcebergPartitionSpecItem(type: String, column: String, name: Option[String], numBuckets: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable
Represents an item in the Iceberg partition specification.
Represents an item in the Iceberg partition specification.
- column
The column used for partitioning.
- name
An optional name for the partition.
- numBuckets
An optional number of buckets for the partition.
case class
JDBCDatasourceOutput(url: String, username: String, password: String, table: String, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Append, jdbcOptions: JDBCOutputOptions, sparkOptions: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the output configuration for a JDBC datasource.
Represents the output configuration for a JDBC datasource.
- url
The JDBC connection URL.
- username
The username for authentication.
- password
The password for authentication.
- table
The table to write into.
- jdbcOptions
(Optional) Additional options for the JDBC connection.
- sparkOptions
(Optional) JDBC Spark Datasource related options
case class
JDBCOutputOptions(driver: String, query: String, maxBatchSize: Int = 500, minPartitions: Option[Int], maxPartitions: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable
Represents options for writing data to a JDBC data source.
Represents options for writing data to a JDBC data source.
- driver
The JDBC driver class name.
- query
The SQL query to write data to the data source.
- maxBatchSize
The maximum batch size for writing data. Default is 500.
- minPartitions
An optional parameter to specify the minimum number of partitions for writing data.
- maxPartitions
An optional parameter to specify the maximum number of partitions for writing data.
case class
JDBCQueryDatasourceOutput(url: String, username: String, password: String, jdbcQueryOptions: JDBCOutputOptions, sparkOptions: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the output configuration for a JDBC query-based datasource.
Represents the output configuration for a JDBC query-based datasource.
- url
The JDBC connection URL.
- username
The username for authentication.
- password
The password for authentication.
- sparkOptions
(Optional) Jdbc spark datasource related options
case class
KafkaDatasourceOutput(brokers: String, topic: String, format: String, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Append, schemaRegistryUrl: Option[String], options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the output configuration for a Kafka datasource.
Represents the output configuration for a Kafka datasource.
- brokers
The Kafka broker addresses.
- topic
The Kafka topic.
- schemaRegistryUrl
(Optional) The URL of the schema registry for Avro format.
- options
(Optional) Additional options for the Kafka spark datasource.
case class
MongoDbDatasourceOutput(nodes: List[String], subprotocol: String, database: String, table: String, username: String, password: String, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Append, connectionProps: Option[String], sparkOptions: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the output configuration for a MongoDB datasource.
Represents the output configuration for a MongoDB datasource.
- nodes
The list of MongoDB server nodes.
- subprotocol
The MongoDB connection subprotocol.
- database
The name of the MongoDB database.
- table
The name of the MongoDB collection/table.
- username
The username for authentication.
- password
The password for authentication.
- connectionProps
MongoDB connection url specific properties
- sparkOptions
(Optional) Additional options for the MongoDB spark datasource.
case class
OpensearchDatasourceOutput(nodes: String, index: String, username: Option[String], password: Option[String], saveMode: SaveMode, options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the output configuration for an Opensearch datasource.
Represents the output configuration for an Opensearch datasource.
- nodes
The Opensearch nodes to connect to.
- index
The name of the Opensearch index.
- username
(Optional) The username for authentication.
- password
(Optional) The password for authentication.
- options
(Optional) Spark open search datasource options
OutputConfig extends AnyRef
Represents the configuration for Flare output.
case class
PulsarDatasourceOutput(serviceUrl: String, adminUrl: String, topic: String, options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the configuration for a Pulsar datasource output.
Represents the configuration for a Pulsar datasource output.
- serviceUrl
The Pulsar service URL.
- adminUrl
The Pulsar admin URL.
- topic
The Pulsar topic.
- options
Additional options for the datasource output (optional).
case class
RedisDatasourceOutput(host: String, port: Int, table: String, db: Int, password: Option[String], saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Append, options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the configuration for a Redis datasource output.
Represents the configuration for a Redis datasource output.
- host
The Redis server host.
- port
The Redis server port.
- table
The Redis table.
- db
The Redis database index.
- password
The password for Redis authentication (optional).
- options
Additional options for the spark redis datasource output (optional).
case class
RedshiftDatasourceOutput(jdbcUrl: String, tempDir: String, username: String, password: String, dbTable: String, saveMode: SaveMode, options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the configuration for a Redshift datasource output.
Represents the configuration for a Redshift datasource output.
- jdbcUrl
The JDBC URL for the Redshift connection.
- tempDir
The temporary directory path for Redshift data staging.
- username
The username for Redshift authentication.
- password
The password for Redshift authentication.
- dbTable
The Redshift database table.
- options
Additional options for the redshift datasource output (optional).
case class
SnowflakeDatasourceOutput(url: String, database: String, table: String, schema: String, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Append, warehouse: Option[String], user: String, password: Option[String], token: Option[String], pemPrivateKey: Option[String], options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends DatasourceOutput with Product with Serializable
Represents the configuration for a Snowflake datasource output.
Represents the configuration for a Snowflake datasource output.
- url
The Snowflake URL.
- database
The Snowflake database name.
- table
The Snowflake table name.
- schema
The Snowflake schema name.
- warehouse
The Snowflake warehouse name (optional).
- user
The Snowflake username.
- password
The Snowflake password (optional).
- token
The Snowflake authentication token (optional).
- pemPrivateKey
The Snowflake PEM private key (optional).
- options
Additional options for the snowflake spark datasource output (optional).
case class
SortColumnSpecItem(name: String, order: SortOrder = SortOrder.ASC) extends Product with Serializable
Represents a sort column specification item.
Represents a sort column specification item.
- name
The name of the sort column.
- order
The sort order for the column. Default is ASC.
case class
SortOptions(columns: List[SortColumnSpecItem], mode: SortMode = SortMode.PARTITION) extends Product with Serializable
Represents options for sorting data during output.
Represents options for sorting data during output.
- columns
The list of sort column specifications.
- mode
The sort mode. Default is SortMode.PARTITION.
Value Members
- object DatasetOutputOptions extends Serializable
OutputFormat extends Enumeration
Represents the available output formats supported by Flare.
SortMode extends Enumeration
Enumeration for specifying sort mode.
SortOrder extends Enumeration
Enumeration for specifying sort order.