package models
Type Members
case class
InfluxDBConfig(url: String, username: Option[String], password: Option[String], dbName: String) extends Product with Serializable
Represents the configuration for InfluxDB.
Represents the configuration for InfluxDB.
- url
The InfluxDB URL.
- username
The username for authentication (optional).
- password
The password for authentication (optional).
- dbName
The name of the InfluxDB database.
case class
Instrumentation(influxdb: Option[InfluxDBConfig]) extends Product with Serializable
Represents the configuration for instrumentation.
Represents the configuration for instrumentation.
- influxdb
The InfluxDB configuration (optional).
case class
Streaming(triggerMode: Option[String], triggerDuration: Option[String], outputMode: Option[String], checkpointLocation: Option[String], forEachBatchMode: Option[Boolean], extraOptions: Option[Map[String, String]]) extends Product with Serializable
Represents the configuration options for streaming processing.
Represents the configuration options for streaming processing.
- triggerMode
The trigger mode for the streaming query (optional).
- triggerDuration
The trigger duration for the streaming query (optional).
- outputMode
The output mode for the streaming query (optional).
- checkpointLocation
The checkpoint location for the streaming query (optional).
- forEachBatchMode
The forEachBatch mode for the streaming query (optional).
- extraOptions
Extra options for the streaming query (optional).