heimdall.auth package


heimdall.auth.authorizer module

exception heimdall.auth.authorizer.AuthorizationError(status_code, message)[source]

Bases: Exception

class heimdall.auth.authorizer.Authorizer(pep: PolicyEnforcementProvider, client: HeimdallClient, user_agent: str)[source]

Bases: object

authorize(token: str, correlation_id: str) AuthorizationResponse[source]

Authorizes an access token using the Heimdall client’s authorization API.

  • token (str) – The access token to authorize.

  • correlation_id (str) – The correlation ID for the authorization request.


An AuthorizationResponse object containing the result of the authorization request.

Return type:


authorize_atom(token: str, atom_id: str, variable_values: Dict[str, str] | None = None, correlation_id: str = '')[source]

Authorizes an access token for a specific atom using the Heimdall client’s authorization API.

  • token (str) – The access token to authorize.

  • atom_id (str) – The ID of the atom to authorize the token for.

  • variable_values (Dict[str, str]) – A map of variable names to values used to resolve the atom’s inputs.

  • correlation_id (str) – The correlation ID for the authorization request.


An AuthorizationResponse object containing the result of the authorization request.

Return type:


authorize_batch(token: str, batch: Dict[str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]], correlation_id: str = '')[source]

Authorizes a token for a batch of atoms and returns the AuthorizationResponseBatch.

  • token (str) – The token to authorize.

  • batch (Dict[str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, str], str]]) – A map of atom IDs to tuples of atom ID, variable values, and correlation ID.

  • correlation_id (str) – The correlation ID to include in the authorization request.


The AuthorizationResponseBatch for the given token and batch of atoms.

Return type:


heimdall.auth.policy_enforcement_provider module

class heimdall.auth.policy_enforcement_provider.PolicyEnforcementProvider(version: str, id: str, name: str, description: str, atoms: List[AuthorizationAtom] = None)[source]

Bases: BaseModel

add_atom(atom: AuthorizationAtom)[source]

Adds an authorization atom to this policy enforcement provider.


atom (AuthorizationAtom) – The authorization atom to add.

authorization_atoms: List[AuthorizationAtom]
description: str
export(file_path: str)[source]

Exports this policy enforcement provider to a file.


file (str) – The path to the file to write to.

find_variables(strings: List[str]) List[str][source]

Finds variables in the given list of strings and returns them in a list.


strings (List[str]) – The list of strings in which to find variables.


The list of variables found in the strings.

Return type:


get_atom(atom_id: str, variables: dict) AuthorizationAtom | None[source]

Gets an authorization atom from this policy enforcement provider.

  • atom_id (str) – The ID of the authorization atom to get.

  • variables (Dict[str, str], optional) – The map of variable names to values used to resolve the atom’s inputs, defaults to None.


The authorization atom with the specified ID and variable values, or None if no such atom exists or if any required variable values are missing.

Return type:

AuthorizationAtom or None

id: str
name: str
replace_variables(variables: dict, strings: List[str]) List[str][source]

Replaces variables in the given list of strings with their corresponding values from the given map of variables.

  • variables (Dict[str, str]) – The map of variables to replace in the strings.

  • strings (List[str]) – The list of strings in which to replace the variables.


The list of strings with variables replaced by their corresponding values from the map of variables.

Return type:


version: str

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