Source code for heimdall.auth.policy_enforcement_provider

import json
import logging
import re
from pydantic.fields import List, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from heimdall.models.authorization_atom import AuthorizationAtom

# Define the data class for AuthorizationAtom

# Define the data class for PolicyEnforcementProvider
[docs]class PolicyEnforcementProvider(BaseModel): version: str id: str name: str description: str authorization_atoms: List[AuthorizationAtom] = Field(default_factory=list) # Regular expression pattern to find variables in strings variable_pattern = re.compile(r'\$\{(.+?)\}') def __init__(self, version: str, id: str, name: str, description: str, atoms: List['AuthorizationAtom'] = None): """ Represents a policy enforcement provider. :param version: The version of the policy enforcement provider. :type version: str :param id: The unique identifier of the policy enforcement provider. :type id: str :param name: The name of the policy enforcement provider. :type name: str :param description: The description of the policy enforcement provider. :type description: str :param atoms: The list of authorization atoms for this policy enforcement provider, defaults to None. :type atoms: List['AuthorizationAtom'], optional """ self.version = version = id = name self.description = description self.atoms = atoms # Method to add an AuthorizationAtom to the PolicyEnforcementProvider
[docs] def add_atom(self, atom: AuthorizationAtom): """ Adds an authorization atom to this policy enforcement provider. :param atom: The authorization atom to add. :type atom: AuthorizationAtom """ variables = self.find_variables(atom.tags) variables.extend(self.find_variables(atom.paths)) atom.variables = list(set(variables)) i = next((i for i, a in enumerate(self.authorization_atoms) if ==, -1) if i == -1: self.authorization_atoms.append(atom) else: self.authorization_atoms.insert(i, atom)
# Method to export the PolicyEnforcementProvider to a file
[docs] def export(self, file_path: str): """ Exports this policy enforcement provider to a file. :param file: The path to the file to write to. :type file: str """ with open(file_path, 'w') as file: json.dump(self.dict(), file)
# Method to get an AuthorizationAtom from the PolicyEnforcementProvider
[docs] def get_atom(self, atom_id: str, variables: dict) -> Optional[AuthorizationAtom]: """ Gets an authorization atom from this policy enforcement provider. :param atom_id: The ID of the authorization atom to get. :type atom_id: str :param variables: The map of variable names to values used to resolve the atom's inputs, defaults to None. :type variables: Dict[str, str], optional :return: The authorization atom with the specified ID and variable values, or None if no such atom exists or if any required variable values are missing. :rtype: AuthorizationAtom or None """ orig = next((a for a in self.authorization_atoms if == atom_id), None) if orig: aa = orig.copy() if aa.has_variables(): if not variables: logging.log(f"Authorization atom {atom_id} has variables and no values were provided") return None for v in aa.variables: value = variables.get(v) if value is None or value == "": logging.log(f"Authorization atom {atom_id} has variable {v} and no value was provided") return None aa.paths = self.replace_variables(variables, aa.paths) aa.tags = self.replace_variables(variables, aa.tags) return aa return None
# Method to replace variables in strings with their corresponding values from a dictionary
[docs] def replace_variables(self, variables: dict, strings: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Replaces variables in the given list of strings with their corresponding values from the given map of variables. :param variables: The map of variables to replace in the strings. :type variables: Dict[str, str] :param strings: The list of strings in which to replace the variables. :type strings: List[str] :return: The list of strings with variables replaced by their corresponding values from the map of variables. :rtype: List[str] """ if not strings: return [] new_strings = [] if not variables: new_strings.extend(strings) else: for string in strings: def repl(match): return variables.get(, new_string = self.variable_pattern.sub(repl, string) new_strings.append(new_string) return new_strings
# Method to find variables in a list of strings and return them in a list
[docs] def find_variables(self, strings: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Finds variables in the given list of strings and returns them in a list. :param strings: The list of strings in which to find variables. :type strings: List[str] :return: The list of variables found in the strings. :rtype: List[str] """ variables = [] if strings: for string in strings: variables.extend( for match in self.variable_pattern.finditer(string)) return variables