Source code for heimdall.auth.authorizer

import logging

from pydantic.fields import Dict, Tuple
from requests import HTTPError

from heimdall.auth.policy_enforcement_provider import PolicyEnforcementProvider
from heimdall.heimdall_client import HeimdallClient
from heimdall.models.authorization_request import AuthorizationRequest, PepContext, AuthorizationRequestBatch
from heimdall.models.authorization_response import AuthorizationResponse, Error, AuthorizationResponseBatch, \

[docs]class AuthorizationError(Exception): def __init__(self, status_code, message): super().__init__(f"Authorization failed: HTTP {status_code} - {message}") self.status_code = status_code
[docs]class Authorizer: def __init__(self, pep: PolicyEnforcementProvider, client: HeimdallClient, user_agent: str): """ Handles authorization using the Heimdall client's authorization API. :param pep: The policy enforcement provider. :type pep: PolicyEnforcementProvider :param client: The Heimdall client. :type client: HeimdallClient :param user_agent: The user agent associated with the authorization requests. :type user_agent: str """ self.pep = pep self.client = client self.user_agent = user_agent
[docs] def authorize(self, token: str, correlation_id: str) -> AuthorizationResponse: """ Authorizes an access token using the Heimdall client's authorization API. :param token: The access token to authorize. :type token: str :param correlation_id: The correlation ID for the authorization request. :type correlation_id: str :return: An AuthorizationResponse object containing the result of the authorization request. :rtype: AuthorizationResponse """ auth_request = AuthorizationRequest(token) try: return self.client.authorize_api.authorize(auth_request, correlation_id).execute() except HTTPError as http_error: error_message = str(http_error) return AuthorizationResponse( allow=False, valid=False, error=Error(http_error.response.status_code, f"Authorization failed: {error_message}") )
[docs] def authorize_atom(self, token: str, atom_id: str, variable_values: Dict[str, str] = None, correlation_id: str = ""): """ Authorizes an access token for a specific atom using the Heimdall client's authorization API. :param token: The access token to authorize. :type token: str :param atom_id: The ID of the atom to authorize the token for. :type atom_id: str :param variable_values: A map of variable names to values used to resolve the atom's inputs. :type variable_values: Dict[str, str] :param correlation_id: The correlation ID for the authorization request. :type correlation_id: str :return: An AuthorizationResponse object containing the result of the authorization request. :rtype: AuthorizationResponse """ if not token: return AuthorizationResponse( allow=False, valid=False, error=Error(400, "token is empty") ) atom = self.pep.get_atom(atom_id, variable_values) if not atom: return AuthorizationResponse( allow=False, valid=False, error=Error(400, f"atom not found with id {atom_id}") ) auth_request = AuthorizationRequest(token, atom.to_auth_context(), PepContext(self.user_agent, atom_id)) try: return self.client.authorize_api.authorize(auth_request, correlation_id).execute() except HTTPError as http_error: error_message = str(http_error) return AuthorizationResponse( allow=False, valid=False, error=Error(http_error.response.status_code, f"Authorization failed: {error_message}") )
[docs] def authorize_batch(self, token: str, batch: Dict[str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]], correlation_id: str = ""): """ Authorizes a token for a batch of atoms and returns the AuthorizationResponseBatch. :param token: The token to authorize. :type token: str :param batch: A map of atom IDs to tuples of atom ID, variable values, and correlation ID. :type batch: Dict[str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, str], str]] :param correlation_id: The correlation ID to include in the authorization request. :type correlation_id: str :return: The AuthorizationResponseBatch for the given token and batch of atoms. :rtype: AuthorizationResponseBatch """ if not token: return AuthorizationResponseBatch(results={"request": AuthResponseSingle( allow=False, valid=False, error=Error(400, "token is empty") )}) contexts = {} for req_key, (atom_id, variable_values) in batch.items(): atom = self.pep.get_atom(atom_id, variable_values) if not atom: return AuthorizationResponseBatch(results={req_key: AuthResponseSingle( allow=False, valid=False, error=Error(400, f"atom not found with id {atom_id}") )}) contexts[req_key] = atom.to_auth_context() auth_request = AuthorizationRequestBatch(token, contexts) try: return self.client.authorize_api.authorize_batch(auth_request, correlation_id).execute() except HTTPError as http_error: error_message = str(http_error) raise AuthorizationError(http_error.response.status_code, f"batch authorization failed, error={error_message}")