
package file

Type Members

  1. class FileOutputWriter extends DatasourceWriter

    A custom FileOutputWriter class that extends the DatasourceWriter.

    A custom FileOutputWriter class that extends the DatasourceWriter. This class provides methods to write DataFrame data to files and handle various file format options.

  2. case class FileWriterOptions(path: Option[String], catalogName: Option[String], schemaName: Option[String], tableName: Option[String], saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Append, partitionBy: Option[Seq[String]], format: String, alwaysUpdateSchemaInCatalog: Boolean, sort: Option[SortOptions], iceberg: Option[IcebergOutputOptions], metastoreUris: Option[String], warehousePath: Option[String], icebergCatalogType: Option[String], options: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

    A case class that represents the configuration options for writing data to files.

    A case class that represents the configuration options for writing data to files.


    The optional base path for the files to be written.


    The optional name of the catalog.


    The optional name of the schema.


    The optional name of the table.


    The SaveMode used for writing data to files (default is Append).


    The optional list of column names to partition the data by.


    The file format to be used for writing data (e.g., parquet, csv, etc.).


    A flag indicating whether to always update the schema in the catalog.


    The optional configuration for sorting the data before writing.


    The optional configuration options for writing data in Iceberg format.


    The optional URI(s) for the Hive metastore.


    The optional base path for the warehouse storage.


    The optional type of the Iceberg catalog.


    Additional options as key-value pairs to configure the writer.

  3. class IcebergOutputWriter extends DatasourceWriter

    A custom IcebergOutputWriter class that extends the DatasourceWriter.

    A custom IcebergOutputWriter class that extends the DatasourceWriter. This class provides methods to write DataFrame data to Iceberg tables and handle Iceberg-specific properties.

  4. case class IcebergProps(properties: Option[Map[String, String]], partitionSpec: Option[List[PartitionSpecItem]], merge: Option[MergeProps]) extends Product with Serializable
  5. case class MergeProps(onClause: String, whenClause: String) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class PartitionSpecItem(type: String, column: String, name: Option[String], numBuckets: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable
  7. case class SortColumnSpecItem(name: String, order: String) extends Product with Serializable
  8. case class SortProps(mode: String, columns: Option[List[SortColumnSpecItem]]) extends Product with Serializable
