Source code for stack_service.stack_service_client

from commons.http.client.base_client import BaseHTTPClientBuilder
from commons.utils.helper import normalize_base_url
from stack_service.apis.stack_context_api import StackContextApi

[docs]class StackServiceClientBuilder(BaseHTTPClientBuilder):
[docs] def get_default_user_agent_suffix(self): return "StackServiceClient"
[docs] def build(self): """ Build the StackServiceClient instance. Returns: StackServiceClient: An instance of StackServiceClient with the configured settings. """ return StackServiceClient(self.base_url, self.apikey, self.get_http_client())
[docs]class StackServiceClient: def __init__(self, base_url, apikey, client = None): """ Initialize the StackServiceClient. This class provides a client to interact with an API related to stack services. Parameters: base_url (str): The base URL of the Stack Service API. apikey (str): The API key for authentication with the Stack Service API. client (object, optional): An instance of the HTTP client to use for making API requests (default is None). Attributes: open_lineage_api (OpenLineageApi): An instance of OpenLineageApi for interacting with the OpenLineage API endpoints. """ self.client = client self.base_url = base_url self.apikey = apikey base_url = normalize_base_url(base_url) self.stack_context_api = StackContextApi(base_url, self.apikey, client=self.client)