Source code for heimdall.models.authorization_response

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.fields import List, Dict, Optional

[docs]class AuthObject(BaseModel): tags: Optional[List[str]] = None
[docs]class Result(BaseModel): """ Represents the result of an authorization request. :param id: The identifier of the result, defaults to "". :type id: str :param tags: The tags associated with the result, defaults to None. :type tags: List[str], optional """ id: str = None tags: Optional[List[str]] = None
[docs]class Error(BaseModel): """ Represents an error encountered during an authorization request. :param status: The status code associated with the error, defaults to -1. :type status: int :param message: The error message associated with the error, defaults to "". :type message: str """ status: int = -1 message: str = ""
[docs]class AuthorizationResponse(BaseModel): """ Represents the response of an authorization request. :param allow: Whether the request is allowed, defaults to False. :type allow: bool :param valid: Whether the request is valid, defaults to False. :type valid: bool :param result: The result of the authorization request, defaults to None. :type result: Result, optional :param error: The error encountered during the authorization request, defaults to None. :type error: Error, optional """ allow: bool = False valid: bool = False result: Optional[Result] = None error: Optional[Error] = None
[docs]class AuthorizationResponseBatch(BaseModel): """ Represents a batch of authorization responses. :param id: The identifier of the batch, defaults to "". :type id: str :param tags: The tags associated with the batch, defaults to None. :type tags: Optional[List[str]] :param results: The results of the authorization request, defaults to None. :type results: Optional[Dict[str, AuthorizationResponse]] """ id: str = None tags: Optional[List[str]] = None results: Optional[Dict[str, AuthorizationResponse]] = None
[docs]class AuthResponseSingle(BaseModel): """ Represents a single authorization response within a batch. :param allow: Whether the request is allowed, defaults to False. :type allow: bool :param valid: Whether the request is valid, defaults to False. :type valid: bool :param error: The error encountered during the authorization request, defaults to None. :type error: Optional[Error] """ allow: bool = False valid: bool = False error: Optional[Error] = None