Source code for heimdall.apis.authorize_api

import uuid

from uplink import Header, returns, post, Body, json

from commons.http.client.dataos_consumer import DataOSBaseConsumer
from commons.http.client.hadler import raise_for_status_code
from heimdall.models.authorization_request import AuthorizationRequest, AuthorizationRequestBatch
from heimdall.models.authorization_response import AuthorizationResponse, AuthorizationResponseBatch

[docs]class AuthorizeApi(DataOSBaseConsumer):
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @json @post("api/v1/authorize") def authorize(self, payload: Body(type=AuthorizationRequest), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> AuthorizationResponse: """ Perform a single authorization request using the provided payload and correlation ID. Parameters: self (object): The current instance of the class. payload (AuthorizationRequest): The payload containing the authorization request details. correlation_id (str, optional): The correlation ID used for tracking and logging the request. It defaults to a new UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) generated using the uuid.uuid4() method. Returns: AuthorizationResponse: An object representing the response for the authorization request. Raises: HTTPError: If the HTTP request returns an unsuccessful status code. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @json @post("api/v1/authorize/batch") def authorize_batch(self, payload: Body(type=AuthorizationRequestBatch), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str( uuid.uuid4())) -> AuthorizationResponseBatch: """ Perform a batch authorization request using the provided payload and correlation ID. Parameters: self (object): The current instance of the class. payload (AuthorizationRequestBatch): The payload containing the batch authorization request details. correlation_id (str, optional): The correlation ID used for tracking and logging the request. It defaults to a new UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) generated using the uuid.uuid4() method. Returns: AuthorizationResponseBatch: An object representing the response for the batch authorization request. Raises: HTTPError: If the HTTP request returns an unsuccessful status code. """ pass