Source code for depot_service.apis.depot_api

from __future__ import absolute_import

import uuid

from pydantic.fields import Dict, Any, List
from uplink import *

from commons.http.client.dataos_consumer import DataOSBaseConsumer
from commons.http.client.hadler import raise_for_status_code
from depot_service.models.depot_flag_request import DepotFlagRequest
from depot_service.models.depot_request import DepotRequest
from depot_service.models.depot_response import DepotResponse

[docs]class DepotApi(DataOSBaseConsumer):
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @json @patch("api/v2/depots/{depot}/archived") def archive(self, depot: str, payload: Body(type=DepotFlagRequest), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> DepotResponse: """ Archive a specific depot. This method makes an API call to archive the specified depot. Args: depot (str): The ID or name of the depot to archive. payload (dict): Attributes: isArchived (bool): A flag indicating whether the depot should be archived (True) or unarchived (False). archivalMessage (Optional[str]): An optional message explaining the reason for archiving the depot. This message will only be present if the `isArchived` attribute is True. Returns: DepotResponse: An object containing the response data from the API call. The structure of the DepotResponse object may vary based on the API response. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @get("api/v2/depots/{depot}") def get_depot(self, depot: str, correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> DepotResponse: """ Get information about a specific depot. This method makes an API call to retrieve detailed information about the specified depot. Args: depot (str): The ID or name of the depot to retrieve information for. Returns: DepotResponse: An object containing the response data from the API call. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @json @put("api/v2/depots/{depot}") def create_or_update(self, depot: str, payload: Body(type=DepotRequest), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> DepotResponse: pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @get("api/v2/depots/{depot}/meta") def get_meta(self, depot: str, correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get metadata for a specific depot. Args: depot (str): The ID or name of the depot to retrieve metadata for. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the metadata for the specified depot. Raises: Exception: If the API request fails or returns an error status code. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @delete("api/v2/depots/{depot}/meta") def delete_meta(self, depot: str, key: Query("key"), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> None: """ Delete a meta entry for a given depot. This function deletes a meta entry with a specific key for a given depot. Parameters: depot (str): The name of the depot where the meta entry will be deleted. key (str): The key of the meta entry to be deleted. Returns: None: This function doesn't return anything explicitly. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @json @patch("api/v2/depots/{depot}/meta") def update_meta(self, depot: str, payload: Body(type=dict), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> DepotResponse: """ Update a meta entry for a given depot. This function sends a PATCH request to update a meta entry for a given depot using the provided payload. Parameters: depot (str): The name of the depot where the meta entry will be updated. payload (dict): A dictionary containing the data to be updated in the meta entry. Returns: DepotResponse: An object representing the response from the API call. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @get("api/v2/depots/{depot}/owners") def get_owners(self, depot: str, correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> List[str]: """ Get the owners of a specific depot. This method makes an API call to retrieve the owners associated with the specified depot. Args: depot (str): The ID or name of the depot to retrieve owners for. Returns: List[str]: A list containing the names of owners of the specified depot. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @put("api/v2/depots/{depot}/owners/{owner}") def add_owner(self, depot: str, owner: str, correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> DepotResponse: """ Add a new owner to a given depot. This function sends a PUT request to add a new owner to a specified depot. Parameters: depot (str): The name of the depot to which the new owner will be added. owner (str): The name of the new owner to be added to the depot. Returns: DepotResponse: An object representing the response from the API call. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @delete("api/v2/depots/{depot}/owners/{owner}") def delete_owner(self, depot: str, owner: str, correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> None: """ Delete an owner from a given depot. This function sends a DELETE request to remove an owner from a specified depot. Parameters: depot (str): The name of the depot from which the owner will be deleted. owner (str): The name of the owner to be removed from the depot. Returns: None: This function doesn't return anything explicitly. The owner will be deleted from the depot on a successful API call. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @get("api/v2/depots/{depot}/collections") def get_collections(self, depot: str, correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> List[str]: """ Retrieve a list of collections from a given depot. This function sends a GET request to fetch the list of collections available in a specified depot. Parameters: depot (str): The name of the depot from which to retrieve the list of collections. Possible values for 'depot': GCS, S3, ABFSS, WASBS, FILE, PULSAR Returns: List[str]: A list of strings representing the names of collections available in the specified depot. If no collections are found or an error occurs, an empty list will be returned. Raises: ValueError: If the 'depot' parameter is not one of the valid options (GCS, S3, ABFSS, WASBS, FILE, PULSAR). """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @get("api/v2/depots") def get_depots(self, correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> dict: """ Retrieve a dictionary of available depots. This function sends a GET request to fetch a dictionary containing information about available depots. Parameters: No parameter Returns: dict: A dictionary where the keys represent the depot names and the values are additional information about each depot. """ pass
# @raise_for_status_code # @returns.json # @get("api/v2/depots/{depot}/secrets") # def get_secrets(self) -> dict: # """ # Retrieve a dictionary of available depots. # # This function sends a GET request to fetch a dictionary containing information about available depots. # # Parameters: # No parameter # # Returns: # dict: A dictionary where the keys represent the depot names and the values are additional information about each depot. # """ # pass