Source code for commons.http.client.base_client

import requests
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from commons.utils.helper import normalize_base_url

[docs]class BaseHTTPClientBuilder: def __init__(self): """ Base HTTP Client Builder. This class provides a blueprint for building configurations for an HTTP client. Configurable Properties: base_url (str): The base URL of the API. apikey (str): The API key for authentication with the API. enable_ssl (bool): Whether to enable SSL for API requests (default is False). client (object): An instance of the HTTP client to use for making API requests. ssl_verify_hostname (bool): Whether to verify SSL hostname for API requests (default is True). keystore_path (str): The path to the keystore file for SSL (default is None). keystore_pass (str): The password for the keystore file (default is None). truststore_path (str): The path to the truststore file for SSL (default is None). truststore_pass (str): The password for the truststore file (default is None). connect_timeout (int): The connection timeout in milliseconds for API requests (default is 10000 ms). read_timeout (int): The read timeout in milliseconds for API requests (default is 10000 ms). user_agent (str): The user agent string to use for API requests. max_retries (int): The maximum number of times to retry API requests on failure (default is 3). backoff_factor (float): The backoff factor for retrying API requests on failure (default is 0.3). headers (dict): Additional headers to include in API requests (default is None). """ self.base_url = None self.apikey = None self.enable_ssl = False self.client = None self.ssl_verify_hostname = True self.keystore_path = None self.keystore_pass = None self.truststore_path = None self.truststore_pass = None self.connect_timeout = 10000 self.read_timeout = 10000 self.user_agent = None self.max_retries = 3 self.backoff_factor = 0.3 self.headers = None
[docs] def get_http_client(self): return self.client or self.build_http_client()
[docs] def get_user_agent(self): return self.user_agent or f"dataos-sdk-py/{self.get_default_user_agent_suffix()}"
[docs] def get_default_user_agent_suffix(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method to provide the default user agent suffix.")
[docs] def base_url(self, base_url): self.base_url = normalize_base_url(base_url) return self
[docs] def user_agent(self, user_agent): self.user_agent = user_agent return self
[docs] def apikey(self, apikey): self.apikey = apikey return self
[docs] def enable_ssl(self, enable_ssl): self.enable_ssl = enable_ssl return self
[docs] def ssl_verify_hostname(self, verify_hostname): self.ssl_verify_hostname = verify_hostname return self
[docs] def keystore_path(self, keystore_path): self.keystore_path = keystore_path return self
[docs] def keystore_pass(self, keystore_pass): self.keystore_pass = keystore_pass return self
[docs] def truststore_path(self, truststore_path): self.truststore_path = truststore_path return self
[docs] def truststore_pass(self, truststore_pass): self.truststore_pass = truststore_pass return self
[docs] def connect_timeout(self, timeout): self.connect_timeout = timeout return self
[docs] def read_timeout(self, timeout): self.read_timeout = timeout return self
[docs] def max_retries(self, max_retries): self.max_retries = max_retries return self
[docs] def backoff_factor(self, backoff_factor): self.backoff_factor = backoff_factor return self
[docs] def build_headers(self, headers): headers_ = {"User-Agent": self.get_user_agent()} if self.apikey: headers_["apikey"] = self.apikey if headers: headers_.update(headers) return headers_
[docs] def build_http_client(self): """ Build and configure an HTTP client. Returns: requests.Session: An instance of the configured HTTP client. """ session = requests.Session() if self.enable_ssl: if not self.ssl_verify_hostname: # Disable SSL hostname verification session.verify = False else: if not self.keystore_path or \ not self.keystore_pass or \ not self.truststore_path or \ not self.truststore_pass: raise ValueError("keystore and truststore paths and passwords must be provided") session.verify = True # SSL with custom keystore and truststore session.cert = (self.keystore_path, self.keystore_pass) session.verify = self.truststore_path if self.max_retries > 0: retry_strategy = Retry( total=self.max_retries, backoff_factor=self.backoff_factor, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504], ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy) session.mount("http://", adapter) session.mount("https://", adapter) self.client = session self.client.headers.update(self.build_headers(self.headers)) return self.client