Source code for asset_tags_service.apis.asset_tags_api

from __future__ import absolute_import

import uuid
from typing import List

from uplink import *

from asset_tags_service.models.asset_tag_assign_request import AssetTagAssignRequest
from asset_tags_service.models.asset_tag_group import AssetTagGroup
from asset_tags_service.models.asset_tags import AssetTags
from asset_tags_service.models.bulk_asset_tag_request import BulkAssetTagRequest
from commons.http.client.dataos_consumer import DataOSBaseConsumer
from commons.http.client.hadler import raise_for_status_code

[docs]class AssetTagsApi(DataOSBaseConsumer):
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @json @put("api/v1/asset-tags") def assign_tag_to_asset(self, payload: Body(AssetTagAssignRequest), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> None: """ Assigns a tag to an asset. Parameters: correlation_id (str): The correlation ID for tracking the request (sent as a header). payload (AssetTagAssignRequest): An instance of AssetTagAssignRequest containing the information about the tag and asset (sent as the request body). Returns: None: This method does not return anything. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @json @put("api/v1/asset-tags/bulk") def assign_and_remove_in_bulk(self, payload: Body(BulkAssetTagRequest), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> None: """ Assigns and removes asset tags in bulk. This method sends a PUT request to the endpoint 'api/v1/asset-tags/bulk' with the provided correlation ID and payload as the request body. Parameters: payload (BulkAssetTagRequest): An instance of BulkAssetTagRequest containing the information about the asset tags to be assigned and removed. Returns: None: This method does not return anything. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @delete("api/v1/asset-tags") def delete_tag_asset_mapping(self, assetFqn: Query('assetFqn'), tagFqn: Query('tagFqn'), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())): """ Deletes the mapping between a tag and an asset. This method sends a DELETE request to the endpoint 'api/v1/asset-tags' to delete the mapping between the specified assetFqn and tagFqdn. Parameters: correlation_id (str): The correlation ID for tracking the request (sent as a header). assetFqn (str): The fully qualified name of the asset whose mapping is to be deleted (sent as a query parameter). tagFqdn (str): The fully qualified name of the tag whose mapping is to be deleted (sent as a query parameter). Returns: List[AssetTagGroup]: A list of AssetTagGroup objects representing the remaining mappings between assets and tags after deletion. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @get("api/v1/asset-tags") def get_asset_tags_by_asset_fqn(self, assetFqn: Query('assetFqn'), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> \ List[AssetTagGroup]: """ Get asset tags associated with a specific asset. This method sends a GET request to the endpoint 'api/v1/asset-tags' with the provided correlation ID and assetFqn as query parameters to retrieve asset tags associated with the specified asset. Parameters: correlation_id (str): The correlation ID for tracking the request (sent as a header). assetFqn (str): The fully qualified name of the asset to retrieve asset tags for (sent as a query parameter). Returns: List[AssetTagGroup]: A list of AssetTagGroup objects representing the mappings between the asset and tags. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @get("api/v1/asset-tags") def get_asset_tags_by_group_id(self, groupId: Query('groupId'), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> \ List[AssetTagGroup]: """ Get asset tags associated with a specific group. This method sends a GET request to the endpoint 'api/v1/asset-tags' with the provided correlation ID and group_id as query parameters to retrieve asset tags associated with the specified group. Parameters: correlation_id (str): The correlation ID for tracking the request (sent as a header). groupId (str): The ID of the group to retrieve asset tags for (sent as a query parameter). Returns: List[AssetTagGroup]: A list of AssetTagGroup objects representing the mappings between the assets and tags in the group. """ pass
[docs] @raise_for_status_code @returns.json @get("api/v1/asset-tags?group=false") def get_asset_tags(self, groupId: Query('groupId'), correlation_id: Header("dataos-correlation-id") = str(uuid.uuid4())) -> List[AssetTags]: """ Get asset tags. This method sends a GET request to the endpoint 'api/v1/asset-tags?group=false' with the provided correlation ID and group_id as query parameters to retrieve asset tags. Parameters: correlation_id (str): The correlation ID for tracking the request (sent as a header). groupId (str): The ID of the group to filter asset tags (sent as a query parameter). Returns: List[AssetTags]: A list of AssetTags objects representing the asset tags. """ pass